October 12, 2011
Dues If you have not paid your dues they are late. It is an extra service point you if have yet to pay them Please get them in!
There’s still time to donate, work lunch, and count after school! Please show your support by donating and by getting your friends excited about it. Penny Counting after school everyday in Mrs. Cobb’s room, If you want to work the table make sure you’re walking around and harassing people nicely. Seniors especially, I want to win! Make that happen! Thank you so much to everyone who has helped in anyway. Every bit you guys do is really appreciated.
Service Opportunities Jesse Jones Park is hosting Tricks & Treats: (Saturday, October 22, 3:30-7:30 p.m. Volunteers will help our with Gate greeting, Hayride assistance, Information table etc. both Kaylen Fry and Michael Blake at least 2 weeks in advance! BE sure to arrive half an hour early for your shift! Willow Creek Elementary, Fall Festival, Sunday October 23 rd, 2:00-5:00pm volunteers to help!! Each student volunteer will also receive tickets to purchase food & beverages. Please contact Amy O'Bryant at for additional information.
Service Cont… Hidden Hollow Fall Carnival, please remember the date is now October 28! Deerwood Elementary is having their Fall Carnival on Saturday, November 5 from 3 to 7. Interested? both Erin and Michael with your name school and contact information.
Need a leadership point? NOVEMBER 12 th - Leadership Seminar Plethora of exciting games Awesome way to interact with NHS members Surprising guest speaker! Team building activities Fantastic way to spend your Saturday Easy leadership point November 12 th – mark your calendar
NHS Tutoring! New rules… No food WHISPER New seating arrangement Remember why you’re there
NEXT MEETING!! Monday, November 7