Module 1 lesson 5
Let’s Happy Count the Say Ten Way. Let’s start at 6 tens 2 Now try it for 30 seconds with your partner.
We are going to play a game. I am going to pass out the hide zero cards. If you have part of the number I call out come to the front with the other partner and put your numbers together and tell me what it equals. 10+5=…..
If you have the ones part of the hide zero card you have ten seconds to find a new partner and build a new number. When I point to you and your partner show the group your number, take it apart and tell the class your number sentence. 25; 20+5…
I will show you a number on the rekenrek. You write the number and number sentence to make the next ten on your dry erase boards. 9; 9+1=10 19,29,39,5,15,25,35,8,18,28,38,7,17,27,37
39+4 Talk to your partner about how you would solve this problem.
39+4= = =43
79+5= = =84
48+5= 7+29= 6+48= 77+6=
Mia counted all the fish in a tank. She counted 38 goldfish and 4 black fish. How many fish were in the tank? Read, draw, write a number sentence, write a word sentence. Problem set time.
1.Look at problems 1a. And b. How does knowing 9+3 help you solve 19+3? 2.What other patterns do you notice in the problem set? Explain how the patterns help you solve the problems. 3. Compare 43+5 and What is different about them? 4. Can you figure out the math goal of today’s lesson? What name would you give this lesson? Exit ticket