EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Highlights from the 2015 Conference
Building Leadership Capacity
Personal Development and Professional Growth
Morning Breakout Sessions - Presenters Developing Ourselves as Leaders: Looking in the Mirror Dr. Henry V. Wagner, Jr. Shared Leadership: Empowering Others Tom Davis
Morning Breakout Sessions - Presenters Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring the Best and Brightest Teachers Vince Pavik Dr. Bonnie Ennis
Morning Breakout Sessions - Presenters Using the Teacher Observation and Evaluation Process to Strengthen Instructional Practices Lisa Hopkins
Morning Breakout Sessions - Presenters Professional Development: Building Capacity in Staff Dr. Marcia Sprankle
Afternoon Panel Discussion with Eastern Shore Superintendents
Afternoon Breakout Sessions - Presenters Measuring Student and School Success Dr. Jeff Lawson Dr. Carolyn Tiegland
Afternoon Breakout Sessions - Presenters Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Student Population Dr. Elizabeth Anthony Dr. Derek Simmons
Afternoon Breakout Sessions - Presenters Technology, Learning and Leading Dan MacLeod Dr. Nina Newlin
Afternoon Breakout Sessions - Presenters Engaging Parents, Families and the Community Michelle Carey
Closing Comments Dr. Jerry B. Wilson
“ ” “A special THANK YOU to everyone involved!” “One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.” -Malala Yousafzai, United Nations Youth Assembly