Kleb doodle contest! Copy of powerpoint can be found on Mrs. Hodge’s teacher website!
Love to draw? Find yourself doodling in class? Well Kleb wants to see your talented work! Here how it works:
1. Using the letters in Kleb create a drawing that shows us: a. What at Kleb inspires you? (sports, a favorite subject, friends, music, art, clubs, etc) OR b. What/Who inspires your learning? (technology, books, music,fellow students, teachers, lab, writing, etc) You may pick one of the 2 questions to inspire your work of art. You can also take one of the questions and do a STAR WARS themed piece!!! (This year’s KAC and testing theme)
2. You have 2 ways that you may complete your doodle: A. You may draw your design on paper. (Your den teacher has copies for you) B. You can join a google classroom and design your image online using a google drawing form
ONline Doodle Steps: 1.Log into your student google drive account. 2.Log onto google.classroom 3.join the classroom using the following code: mc77v8 4.click on the assignment and start designing! 5.Click turn in once completed Remember no copyrighted images may be used and any design containing them will be disqualified!
Finally….. 3. Submit your drawings to your den teachers by January 15th, Drawings will be voted on by the faculty and staff.
Prizes! The winner will receive: 1. image will be displayed on the Kleb homepage 2. image could be used a staff tee shirt during STARR testing 3. iTunes gift card 4. poster of image displayed at school
Good Luck!