By Jager Prys
Discrimination is unequal treatment of humans being. Discrimination can mainly occurs in terms of gender, skin color, race, religion, age and nationality. Discrimination is a violation of human rights
Everyone on this planet deserves to have equal opportunity as much as the person next to them. No human should be judge differently because they are not as similar. All humans should have the right to an equal opportunity.
America in the 1800s have always discriminated people; the color of their skin and it didn’t end until discrimination of African Americans in the 1960s It not just America think about how the Nazi tried to discriminated Jews by trying to eliminate every single one of them in the 1940s. Humans always discriminated each other as far back as 1700s and beyond!
Being discriminated can lead a person into tight situations. The fact that a women only makes 77 cnets for every dollar a man makes can be hurtful on a single mother Not getting hired because of your ethnicity can leave many unemployed. Some will be so left out they just take their own lives.
Just about Everywhere Discrimination isn't just a human right being broken by governments. It happen in just about every country and it still happens in America. It happens within our streets, in schools and especially online. People are basically bullied if they don’t fit in or are the same.
Make some poster to bring awareness. Don’t make jokes that involve curse words or that offends someone based on what makes the different. Stop the support of one being called out for their difference.
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR, Declaration of Human Rights, Human Rights Declaration, Human Rights Charter, The Un and Human Rights." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 24 May Unknown. "Combating Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples." Combating Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples. United Nations Human Rights, n.d. Web. 24 May nous.aspx nous.aspx Labbate, Vincent. "How to Stop Discrimination." EHow. Demand Media, 31 May Web. 24 May Aurora, Tanner F. "Racism and Discrimination." Racism and Discrimination. TEEENINK, n.d. Web. 24 May Discrimination/ Discrimination/