Evidence Outcome Historical Context Political Interactions
Content Objective Identify Causes & Effects of World War II
Language Objective Take Useful 2- Column Notes
World War II
Time Frame
Treaty of Versailles Written at end of WWI Stated Germany could not have a military, could not pursue an empire Must pay reparations ($33 billion to Allies)
Germany invades Poland September 1, 1939
Allied Powers Great Britain Soviet Union France United States (eventually) 25 other nations
Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan Other nations in Eastern Europe
Famous/ Infamous Leaders
Winston Churchill Great Britain (Allies)
Franklin D. Roosevelt United States (Allies)
Joseph Stalin Soviet Union (not very trusted by other Allies)
Benito Mussolini Italy (Axis)
Adolph Hitler Germany (Axis)
United States enters War December 7, 1941 "A Day That Will Live In Infamy"
Several Wars At Once Europe Northern Africa Pacific
D- Day June 6, 1944 Allies invade Normandy, France Beginning of Allied defeat of Nazis
Atomic Bomb August 6, 1945 United States dropped atomic bomb on Japan
War Ends 55 Million people died Creation of the United Nations