Robert La Salle By: Will Clark and Matt Howes
Early Life of Robert La Salle La Salle was born on November 21,1643 in Rouen,France. He enjoyed science and nature as a kid. He was incorrectly called a priest.
Marriage and Family La Salle never married! He Had a brother named Jean. He sailed for New France in spring of 1666.
First Expedition He led an expedition in He followed the Ohio River downstream to Louisville, KY. La Salle participated in an expedition to follow the northern shore of Lake Erie to Michilimackinac.
Final Expeditions In 1682 he departed from present- day Fort Wayne with 18 Indians and canoed down the Mississippi River. On April 9, 1682, at the mouth of the Mississippi River near modern Venice, Louisiana, La Salle buried an engraved plate and a cross, claiming the territory for France. On March 19,1687, La Salle was slain by Pierre Duhaut during an ambush while talking to Duhaut’s decoy, Jean L’Archeveque.
La Salle’s Routes
Life Span Born November 21, Died March 19, 1687.
Disclaimer Our sources: xplorer/LaSalle xplorer/LaSalle Robert Cavalier Sieur de LaSalle Google images
Interesting Facts La Salle spent 9 years becoming a priest but sadly, he didn’t. He asked King Louis IX if he could go on his trip. La Salle killed over 1,000 men along the Mississippi River.
Images of La Salle