SalmonScape An interactive GIS-based source for salmonid stock and habitat information in Washington State
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SalmonScape entry page
Read Disclaimer and click OK.
…and you’re in
To locate the SaSI 2002 stock reports for Discovery Bay winter steelhead…
Select “Stocks by Status and Species” under Queries menu on toolbar.
SalmonScape responds with a Query Builder page.
Generate a list of the Strait of Juan de Fuca winter steelhead stocks …
The response is the stock list with options to view a summary report, full report or spawning map.
Summary stock report
Spawning map
Full stock report
To see summary of stock status for a single species in a given region, such as lower Columbia steelhead…
Select “Status Summary by Species” from Queries menu
Select “ESU/RU” from the Geographic Extent menu.
Select “Lower Columbia River Steelhead” from Area menu and click on Submit Query.
The response is a Stock Status Summary report.
To look at status, origin and production type of stocks of a single species in a given geographic area, such as steelhead in Chelan county…
Select “Status Summary by Production Type” from Queries menu.
Select “County”, “Chelan” and “Steelhead” and submit query.
The response is a list of steelhead stocks in Chelan county with their 1992 and 2002 status ratings, stock origin, and production type.
SalmonScape has many GIS-based features.
Click on the Map Information button for explanations of the map layers.
You’ll get a link to each map layer.
Click on the Data Availability button to see which types of information are available by WRIA.
Available map layer information is shown by WRIA.
The number of map layers available increases as you zoom in using the “Zoom In” tool.
At maximum zoom out, map layers include ESA Listing Units, Facilities, Juvenile Fish Traps, County, WRIA, Roads and Cities.
As you zoom in, more map layers are added.
A very plain map
With SaSI Stock Status and Background Image (relief shading) layers added to the map
Toggle to from Layers to Legend to interpret the color coding.
The Stream Name Locator Tool …
Type in the stream name of interest and click on Search
Specify which Snow Creek you want, and double click on your choice.
The location of the creek is displayed on the map.
Detail of the same map with orthophoto background image
Map shows the location of a juvenile fish trap
Use the Identify tool to provide information about the trap.
Part of a report on the Skagit juvenile trap (pdf format)