Ambient Feedback Control System Jonathan Uht
Description of Ambient Feedback Control System Block Diagram of Ambient Feedback Control System Hardware Design Software Design Testing Methods Further Work Q/A
Control a motor using feedback from ambient light levels sensed by the CdS photocell If the ambient light level is higher than desired level, then decrease the speed of the motor If the ambient light level is lower than desired level, then increase the speed of the motor Simple feedback and Proportional Feedback will be demonstrated.
Determine Switch Press ◦ Assign Commanded Light Level ◦ Light up the LED corresponding to switch ◦ Light LED on breadboard to commanded level of light Measure Actual Ambient Light Level ◦ A/D Converter ◦ Determine Error ◦ Display Commanded Level, Actual Level, Error, and OCR2 values ◦ Use Error to set OCR2 to change speed of motor If actual > commanded => decrease speed If actual increase speed If actual maximum shut off motor Measure Speed of Motor ◦ Use NTE3100 to measure actual speed of Motor Use timer interrupt Use input capture ◦ Display Speed to Terminal
The methods of feedback will be simple and proportional Verify that the speed of the motor changes proportionally to the error in light levels Verify that if the light level exceeds the boundaries, the motor shuts off Verify the LED emits the correct level of light from the appropriate switch
Experimenting with multiple types of feedback ◦ Proportional (Will be implemented) ◦ Integral (Time dependent) ◦ Differential (Time dependent)