The Collapse of the Soviet Union Nicolette Briglio
Russian Civil War The Russian Civil War contained the Red army who represented Lenin and the Bolsheviks and the White army who represented all people who disliked the Bolsheviks. They fought for the rule of Russia. The White army didn’t want to rule Russia themselves, they just didn’t want Lenin Ruling with the Bolsheviks. The Red army had won, but this definitely did some damage. The Soviet Union had suffered and some people even left Russia. October 1917 – October 1922
Joe 1 (Stalin) Joseph Stalin was the leader of Russia. Under his rule he turned a peasant filled society into a military super society. Stalin however ruled by terror. His methods were to threaten and scare his people into following his views or harsh punishments that could lead to possibly death. Many people had died under his rule. Stalin leading Russia damaged the Soviet Union because he used propaganda and basically lies and torture while he was on top of his reign. The nation was definitely starting to become damaged
Stalin’s Five Year Plan Stalin’s Five Year Plan was a plan to bring the Soviet Union into the Industrial Age. The plan that Stalin had in mind however backfired. He seized all farms and factories from owners. He switched the economy system up. His actions led to famine and people out of food so starvation came about. Any person who tried to go against this was imprisoned or killed
World War II Russia went up against the Nazi himself, Adolf Hitler in World War II. They were fighting because Hitler had made it clear that he wanted to control Russia and the whole Eastern Europe. He thought he could take care and farm in a better way that could help the East of Europe. Russia and Germany signed a ten year pact, but obviously didn’t last. Hitler and all his Germans took the successful win and tore the Russians a new one. September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945
Hydrogen Bomb The hydrogen bomb was launched by the U.S. and it was used in the Cold War against Hiroshima. The development of this particular bomb increased the dangerous chances of putting people in risk by upping the scales of extreme, but it also helped by giving people who used the bomb for protection and a greater chance of success. November 1, 1952
Warsaw Pact The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet Unions way of responding to the joining of NATO and Western Germany. The pact basically stated that it was a mutual assistance and cooperation between the two. It helped the Soviet Union not fight NATO until the end of the Cold War and all the former states that had been involved in the Warsaw Pact joined NATO. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization May 14, 1955
Sputnik October 4, 1957 The Sputnik was the first artificial earth satellite that the Soviet Union launched to help in battle. They sent this up in the air when air missals were introduced because people were in fear. This helped the Soviet Union and allowed them to obtain such an achievement. The Sputnik eventually crashed because it was burned up in the atmosphere.
Creation of the Berlin Wall August 13, 1961 This wall was created by the communist government of Germany to provide protection from Western civilians who disliked Germany and mass problems from East to West. The wall is built between the East and West of Berlin. This helped because it provided protection from enemies during the Cold War.
1968 Invasion of Czechoslovakia August 20, 1968 On this night soldiers from the Warsaw Pact invaded into Czechoslovakia to try and destroy the liberalization in the society of communist. Stalin took control and kicked the government out. The government was ran how Stalin wanted.
SALT I November 1969 – May 1972 The U.S. and the Soviet Union sat down together to discuss SALT I. This was an agreement that limited the use of arms during war, meaning the U.S. and the Soviet Union had a specific amount of missiles and arms that can be used. The agreement worked until they realized the arsenals were still very insufficient to successfully move them forward.
Laika and Sputnik 3 November 3, 1957 & May 15, 1958 Laika was a Siberian Husky pup and was the first animal ever to be launched into space. The Soviets had done this to prepare for their trip. He lasted about a month until they found his remains inside because he burned up from the atmosphere. Sputnik 3 was a satellite that was sent up into the atmosphere to explore and it carried an array of instruments to determine what was going on.
Salt II 1979 An agreement that stated limitations on guidelines on the use of nuclear weapons. Vienna and Russia agreed on terms. This messed with the Soviets because they attacked Afghanistan and lost all chances of this agreement effectively to work.
Gorbachev becomes leader 1990 Gorbachev was elected leader of the Soviet Union in He was chosen by deputies of the Congress of People’s. Even though Gorbachev was elected to control and lead the Soviet Union his election showed some negative flaws he had. His weaknesses led to the fall of the U.S.S.R.
Voting Reforms by Gorbachev 1979 The reforms he called had to due with voting. Gorbachev had a series of reforms. His voting reform definitely changed the Soviet Union. The reform of voting in presidential elections caused a collapse in the union shortly after.
Perestroika 1980’s Perestroika was movement of reformation. The reforms that Gorbachev have started made the people of Russia unhappy and they rebelled against it. The movement was held by the communists.
Glasnost March 1985 This was a policy that allowed for more openness in things that have to due with the government. Also activities that go on in the Soviet Union. United States and the Russians were included. This policy occurred right after the Perestoika.
Chernobyl Disaster April 25, 1986 The disaster occurred in Ukraine where thousands of people who lived around this nuclear plant died. The Soviet Union located this plant in Kiev. Workers who were running tests failed to follow procedure when warning signs appears while running tests and it overheated and exploded. Soviet’s failed to take credit for anything and were covering a humungous problem.
Lithuania and Latvia Protest September 4, 1988 Protests emerged as people from Lithuania and Latvia protest. They disagree with all the pollution that is ending up in the Baltic Sea. The people protest the Soviet Union. More people who don’t like the Soviet Union.
Free Elections 1989 The free elections involved Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. They wanted to keep the one party rule, unlike some other nations. This occurred after the fall of communism.
Fall of the Berlin Wall November 9, 1991 People used hammer and picks to tear the wall down. The German people fled to Berlin and as they “normal” Berlin people arrived the “communist” people of Berlin left and tried to take over the people of Moscow, but failed.
Gorbachev Steps Down 1991 The Soviet Union was left with nothing. As there was nothing left of the U.S.S.R. Gorbachev thought there was nothing for him to do, so he stepped down and lived a private life
Boris Yeltsin becomes President! 1991 Boris Yeltsin was the first elected president that the people elected themselves.