Review 8.2 What are the two houses called in the state legislature? What state has a unicameral legislature? Who is the Speaker of the House of Representatives? Who directs the state Senate? Who is the Senate President? There are 5 ways to amend the Florida Constitution, what are they? Dividing the state into districts based on equal population, is called what?
Every state government has an Executive Branch led by a Governor (Chief Executive).
The State Constitution identifies the qualifications for their governor. In most states (like in Florida), a governor (and Lt. Gov) must be… 1. An American citizen 2. At least 30 years old 3. Reside in the state for at least 7 years.
The governor is directly elected by the voters of their state. Most governors serve four-year terms and are elected during Midterm elections. They can only serve 2 consecutive terms – but can leave and come back. Florida Governor Rick Scott
1. Carrying out state laws 2. Proposing new laws 3. Preparing the state budget 4. Power to veto bills the state legislature has passed.
Some governors can veto (eliminate) only part of a bill. This is called a line-item veto. In Florida, this can only happen if it is a budget item. Governors also have the power to grant a prisoner parole (an early release from prison) with certain restrictions.
Roles similar to the U.S. President: Chief Executive of the State Commander in Chief of the National Guard State Party Leader Ceremonial Leader of the State Chief State Legislature In charge of State Judicial Appointments Give a “State of the State Address”
The Lieutenant Governor of Florida’s main responsibility is to replace the Governor if the Governor is not able to serve. The Lt. Governor must fulfill the same qualifications as the Governor. The Lt. Governor may serve 2 consecutive terms – but may come back after being out for at least one term of 4 years. Florida Lieutenant Governor, Carlos Lopez- Cantera
The governor appoints leaders of some executive departments, who advise them on important issues. (Secretary of State, Treasurer etc.) Florida’s cabinet officials are elected to office. They hold equal power with the Governor when deciding issues under the Cabinet’s Control: They are: Chief Financial Officer Commissioner of Agriculture Attorney General Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi