You will be working in groups of 2-3 Ms. Askins will assign you partners!
You will create a brochure, a song, a commercial or a picture dictionary over the information we discussed this unit. These must include: › The term › A definition › A description › An illustration The terms are: the 7 major plates. convergent, divergent, transform, subduction, mountain building, ocean baisins, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.
We will start the projects on Friday, April 12 th in class The final project must be ready for presenting to the class on Wednesday, April 17 th !
Most of the project will be assembled in Ms. Askins classroom, however we will be in the library on Tuesday, April 16 th for any final touches!
6.10 C Identify the major tectonic plates 6.10 D Describe how plate tectonics causes major geological events such as ocean basins, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain building
Student Achievement LevelPointsDescription of Student Work CONSISTENTLY EXCEEDS 4.0 Exemplary work with NO errors Evidence of making connections Applying learning to a new situation Evidence of higher order thinking skills Work / Explanations demonstrate COMPLETE comprehension MEETS and SOMETIMES EXCEEDS 3.5 FEW or NO errors Evidence of some strategic and/or extended thinking Applying learning Work / Explanations demonstrate comprehension MEETS STANDARD: ________________________ 3.0 FEW or NO errors Evidence of recall Evidence of understanding Work / Explanation demonstrate comprehension APPROACHING 2.0 FEW errors Evidence of some recall Evidence of some understanding Work / Explanation demonstrate some comprehension BEGINNING 1.0 MULTIPLE errors Limited evidence of recall Little evidence of understanding Work / Explanation demonstrate little comprehension NO EFFORT 0.0 Very little or no evidence of effort.