Sections Outreach Committee (SEOC) Antonio Ferreira – SEOC Chair For EAB 15 November 2008 New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Section Outreach Committee l Mission: To identify and facilitate the educational needs of the public, the profession and IEEE members. l Scope: Will have the lead responsibility within EAB for building and maintaining strong working relationships with IEEE Regions, Sections and Chapters in order to work with these organizational units as partners.
SEOC Composition l Old: SEOC Chair; three appointed voting members; and up to 2 additional voting members; VP-EA as an ex-officio member without vote; Regional Education Chairs shall serve as Corresponding Members without vote. l June/2006: SEOC Chair; 10 Region Education Chairs to serve as ex-officio voting members; VP- EA as an ex-officio member without vote.
SEOC Membership 2008 Chair: A. C. Ferreira Region 1: B. BeheshtiRegion 6: K. Bakhru Region 2: J. T. GibbonRegion 7: S. Adham Region 3: J. P. DonohoeRegion 8: F. Klett Region 4: W. O. SerreRegion 9: N. Lerendegui Region 5: F. B. GroszRegion 10: N. B. Mariun VP-EA: Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou * a change in the Region Education Chair in IEEE database is not automatically updated in the SEOC distribution list
SEOC Functions l Serve as a focal point for identifying opportunities and facilitating the implementation of various activities and programs of the EAB in IEEE Regions/Sections/Chapters l Provide updates on educational products and services, such as newsletter articles, virtual communities and related interactions, to inform Regions/Sections/Chapters about educational opportunities and to meet their educational needs.
Activities 2008 l Information on EAB products and services sent to SEOC members l March, June, August, September l Requests from R7 e R9 ( Expert Now, TISP ) l One face-to-face meeting in June
IEEE Section Outreach Committee Update & Outcomes l The SEOC held a face to face committee meeting on Friday, 20 June ( 19 attendees – All 10 Region Education Activities Chairs ) l Main points: l Present EAB (including Products & Services ) l What the committee expects and needs from EAB and what EAB expects from the committee.
What EAB needs from SEOC l Help identify locations for: l TISP workshop for 2009 l Standards Workshops l Accreditation workshops l Help identify IEEE Education Partners Program partners in academia and industry
What EAB needs from SEOC l Promote IEEE Expert Now Section-Chapter Program. l send student and other member profiles in technical areas, topics for lesson plans, topics for emerging technologies l Provide contact of Newsletter editors and deadlines so EA can promote programs of EAB
What SEOC needs from EAB l Identify key issues of success and problems of our programs l Create a calendar of EAB activities & update the Resource guide and post on both the EA & MGA website l Job description for the chairs
Job description for Region EA chairs l Need to improve information delivery to Section and Chapter Chairs l Some Regions present a job description in their webpage l MGA has prepared a job description for Section EA Chair