The taking of one’s own life.
The first step in suicide prevention is to identify and understand the risk factors.
Feelings of Hopelessness Loss of motivation and joy Change in appetite and sleeping Low self esteem and anxiety
A loss of any kind ◦ Family ◦ Friend ◦ Girlfriend/boyfriend ◦ Job, etc.
Drastic change in behavior ◦ Sudden interest or disinterest in religion ◦ No longer cares about appearance ◦ Decline in academic performance ◦ Chronic truancy or tardiness ◦ Running away
Feelings of isolation and loneliness ◦ Withdraws from friends and family ◦ Difficulty talking about problems
Characteristics of aggression, impulsiveness, extreme sensitivity, or perfectionism ◦ Drug and alcohol abuse ◦ Giving away prized personal possessions ◦ Previous suicide attempts ◦ Talking about death or wanting to kill themselves
Alcohol / drug use Depression ◦ A medical illness. ◦ Lasts longer than a couple of weeks. ◦ Depression affects the whole body.
May be caused by genetics, environmental factors, or personality traits. If chemicals in the brain that regulate how a person thinks, feels and acts, get out of balance, the brain can get “sick” and the result can be clinical depression.
Extreme sadness Feeling like crying a lot Feeling alone Feeling “empty” Doesn’t have confidence in self Feeling guilty Can’t concentrate Feeling tired no matter how much you sleep Feeling helpless Fog Feeling miserable inside.
Ask ◦ If concerned, don’t wait, ask the question ◦ Even if the person if reluctant, be persistent ◦ Talk to the person alone in private ◦ Allow the person to talk freely ◦ Have a resource handy
“Have you been very happy lately?” “Have you been so unhappy that you’ve been thinking of ending your life?”
Listen to the problem with full attention Remember, suicide is not the problem, it is the perceived insolvable problem Do not rush judgement Offer hope of any kind Help the person recognize any reason for living
Ask: “Will you go with me to get help?” “Will you let me get you some help?” Refer ◦ Take the person directly to someone who can help. Parent, school counselor or nurse, teacher, doctor, personal clergy, local hospital
What is resiliency? The skill of being able to adjust to change or recover from misfortune How can you become more Resilient? ◦ Realize that life has many ups and downs ◦ Realize what things you can control and what things you have no control over ◦ Realize that you cannot escape change
It is not an event that creates a feeling and a reaction…It is our thinking that determines how we feel and what we do about it.
Is the emotional level or reaction equal to the situation? (road rage) Does the feeling match the situation? You choose how you will react (soccer player attacking referee) You choose the intensity of the feeling.
Someone cuts you off in traffic… Your video game breaks... Your dog dies… You don’t get the G.P.A. you want Someone makes fun of you… You are being bullied at school… Your parents separate or get divorced… A family member dies
Friend moves away ◦ I think: I will never have another friend ◦ I feel: Sad and lonely ◦ I react: Don’t talk with anyone ◦ How can we change or regulate our thinking? ◦ I think: I will miss my friend, but I will make other friends ◦ I feel: Sad, but I look forward to seeing them again and getting to know other people ◦ I react: I put forth effort to get to know other people.