Scavenger Hunt Using Digital Cameras By Megan Vaughn & Stacy Honabach By Megan Vaughn & Stacy Honabach
Something that opens and closes… Image of mouth taken in photo booth
Something that changes shape… Image of slinky taken from the internet
Something with gears… Image of gears taken from the Internet © Jared C. Benedict.
Something only red and orange… Cheetos bag taken with a digital camera
Something green and hard… Image of mug taken with digital camera
Something soft and round… Image of paper towel from scanner
Something water will go through… Image of strainer taken with digital camera
Something wet other than water Liquid soap taken with a digital camera
Something that flashes Crosswalk light taken with a digital camera
Something the team can fit into Digital picture of a car
Something that rolls Digital picture of a bike
And something with the school name on it Image on a coke machine taken with a digital camera
The End