GATE Informational Meeting 2015
GATE Testing Grade 2: Universal – all enrolled 2nd grade students are tested. Grades 3-5: New to the district students and students not previously tested are tested. Grade 5: Re-test: Students must meet re-test criteria (see below). Re-test Criteria: Cluster – Students tested once who were not GATE identified: Initial Raven score of 85% or above and/or at least TWO Advanced CST scores (any year/all subjects). Seminar – Students tested once and identified as GATE Cluster: At least FIVE Advanced CST scores (any year/all subjects).
GATE Testing San Diego Unified School District uses the Raven Progressive Matrices test. It is an untimed, non-verbal, spatial reasoning test that becomes progressively more difficult as the student works through the test. Scoring is normative and based on the student’s age.
GATE Criteria Range of 98 – 99.9 to be identified 99.9 to qualify for seminar 99.6 or higher to qualify for seminar with a factor Three factors: Economic – Eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch Language – Overall proficiency level of Beginner, Early Intermediate or Intermediate Disability – Active IEP or 504 Plan
GATE Programs GATE Cluster Program – Diversity Model used in all of the La Jolla Cluster schools A cluster of 25% or more of GATE students within each classroom Taught by a GATE certified teacher GATE Seminar Program – GATE Seminar qualified and high RAVEN, high achieving students Taught by a GATE certified teacher
GATE Seminar Accelerated program Increased rigor Increased complexity Make up of classroom GATE strategies employed, e.g. Socratic Seminar
GATE Students Given Opportunity to Join Seminar School Site GATE Committee GATE team leader, psychologist, principal Based on criteria set by the site High Raven Score High Performance Motivation/Curiosity/Divergent thinking
GATE Concerns Parent concerns/questions about GATE assessment, including, but not limited to, re-testing, make-ups, changing identification, programs, choice schools, and existing criteria all handled by the school site team. ALL issues/complaints/decisions are dealt with at the school site level through our GATE Committee.