Test Administrator Training Spring 2016 Online Tests February 2016
Spring Testing Dates Grades 3-6 Districts select 15 consecutive school days for testing that includes makeups. Our district’s English language arts window is 4/11/2016 through 4/29/2016. Math, Science and Social Studies window is 4/18/2016 through 5/6/2016.
State Test Grades and Subjects Students Grades 3-6 English Language Arts and Math Students Grades 4,6 Social Studies Students Grade 5 Science
Scheduling Administrations Each test has two parts: part 1 and part 2 Each test has two parts: part 1 and part 2
Make-Up Testing At least two scenarios for make-up testing:* 1.) A student is absent on the day of testing; 2.) A student cannot complete the test during the scheduled session. *Make-ups must occur within the district’s test window.
Test Security Violations Refer to page 10 in the Directions for Administration Manual. Contact your building test coordinator if you believe a violation has occurred. Review the Test Incident Guidance Document.Test Incident Guidance Document
During Testing: Student Becomes Ill Pause student’s test. Note how much of the testing time has elapsed
During Testing: Disruptions Pause testing for affected students. Note how much testing time has elapsed. Remove student.
Test Status Requests Grace period extension Reopen a test InvalidationReset Test Status Requests Explanation of each test status request can be found on pages 28 and 29 of the Directions for Administration manual
After Testing: Ending Session Click the red [stop] sign Logout of the Test Administrator Interface Collect test materials
Thank you for ALL you do!
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