Engaging with Policy Makers
Needs & Challenges NEEDS: Mainstreaming Global Development Agenda Getting resources Moving from Policy to Action Clear messages regarding values Training of SPMs Engage university senate
CHALLENGES: Formulating concrete doable requests Changing political environment Competing interests Interagency competitiveness Careful to be not being used Engaging SPMs
Opportunities & Strategies Opportunities: Timing Multi-stakeholder approach Special events Elections Develop community learning centres Use existing policies and programs Actually engage PMs
Strategies: Timing planning cycle Talking the language Leadership by example Demonstrating expertise Use of the media Relevant case studies Creating assessment tools/reporting responsibility Focus on learning strategies
Concrete Actions Ministry of Education strategic engagements Deal directly with Ministers of Education and Permanent Secretaries Building around special events Engaging UNESCO national commissions Embed non-formal within formal education departments
Embed in global official strategy or initiative Media profile visibility Developing guidelines with Min. Of Educ. Keep politicians informed Branding Engage 2nd UNESCO World Conference on ESD Engage legal aspects Nobel prize in ESD