Chapter 14 Organic Compounds with Oxygen and Halogens CHEM 2124 – General Chemistry II Alfred State College Professor Bensley
Learning Objectives Identify alcohols, ethers and alkyl halides. Classify alcohols and alkyl halides as 1° 2° or 3° Determine the properties of alcohols, ethers, and alkyl halides. Name alcohols, ehters, and alkyl halides. Draw the products of the dehydration of alcohols. Determine the products of alcohol oxidation.
Alcohols 1o1o I.Structure and Properties A.Classification 2o2o 3o3o
Alcohols B. Shape and bond angle: C. Polarity: D. Intermolecular Forces:
Alcohols E. Melting points and boiling points: F. Solubility: 2 C’s in chain water soluble 8 C’s in chain water insoluble
Alcohols Example Give the IUPAC name of the following alcohol. II.Nomenclature Common Names Diols and Triols
Alcohols Methanol (CH 3 OH) Ethanol (CH 3 CH 2 OH) 2-Propanol (CH 3 ) 2 CHOH), isopropyl alcohol III.Interesting Common Alcohols Ethylene glycol (HOCH 2 CH 2 OH) Glycerol [(HOCH 2 ) 2 CHOH]
Alcohols A. Oxidation # of C—O bonds, # of C—H bonds IV.Reactions of Alcohols
Alcohol Oxidation
Alcohols B. Dehydration (Elimination Reaction) – Major Lab #2
Alcohols C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 CH 3 H H HH H H OH 2-butanol H 2 SO 4 C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 CH 3 H H HH H C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 H H HH H + H 2 O 1-butene 2-butene Asymmetric alcohols can form two possible products. Zaitsev Rule major product:
Ethers I.Structure and Properties A. Shape and bond angle: B. Polarity: C. Intermolecular Forces?
Ethers D. Melting and Boiling Points: E. Solubilities:
Ethers Simple ethers are usually assigned common names: CH 3 OCH 2 CH 3 methylethyl ethyl methyl ether CH 3 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 3 ethyl diethyl ether II.Nomenclature More complex ethers are named using the IUPAC system: CH 3 O— methoxy CH 3 CH 2 O— ethoxy
Alkyl Halides 1o1o I.Structure and Properties 2o2o 3o3o Polarities, Intermolecular forces, Melting and Boiling Points, Solubility
Alkyl Halides Example Give the IUPAC name of the following alkyl halide. II.Nomenclature