Aquatic Diversity of Macro Invertebrates in Mullins Creek Josh Thomasson Biology-Environmental Concentration Tennessee Techological University Cookeville, TN 38506
Project Summary I plan on conducting an experiment to determine the water quality of Mullins Creek in Marion Co., TN. I plan on conducting an experiment to determine the water quality of Mullins Creek in Marion Co., TN. I will be collecting maroinvertebrates from the beginning of the creek, as well as where it runs into the Tennessee River. I will be collecting maroinvertebrates from the beginning of the creek, as well as where it runs into the Tennessee River. I will be comparing the water qualities at both points in the creek. I will be comparing the water qualities at both points in the creek..
Project Summary continued I plan on using EPT percentage, as well as the Shannon-Weaver Index, and the NCBI method. I plan on using EPT percentage, as well as the Shannon-Weaver Index, and the NCBI method. I am also planning on comparing the three to see which one is more sensitive. I am also planning on comparing the three to see which one is more sensitive.
Methods and Materials I plan to use a simple kick sein as well as a D-framed net to collect my invertebrates. I plan to use a simple kick sein as well as a D-framed net to collect my invertebrates. I will have to stand in front of the net kicking and moving rocks in order to get the invertebrates into the seins. I will have to stand in front of the net kicking and moving rocks in order to get the invertebrates into the seins. I will do three different samples at each site and keep all the macroinvertebrates that I collect and bring back to TTU to identify them in the lab. I will do three different samples at each site and keep all the macroinvertebrates that I collect and bring back to TTU to identify them in the lab.
Methods and Materials continued I will preserve the invertebrates in a 70% isopropyl Alcohol solution to keep the specimens from drying out. I will preserve the invertebrates in a 70% isopropyl Alcohol solution to keep the specimens from drying out. Once all of my invertebrates have been identified to genus I will then calculate the EPT, Shannon-Weaver and the NCBI values. Once all of my invertebrates have been identified to genus I will then calculate the EPT, Shannon-Weaver and the NCBI values.
Introduction and Background The study of macroinvertebrates being used to determine water quality has been used since the early 1900’s. Since it has been found that these macroinvertebrates are a very useful way to detect even the slightest amount of pollutants, they have been used extensively to test water quality (Cairns & Pratt 1993). The study of macroinvertebrates being used to determine water quality has been used since the early 1900’s. Since it has been found that these macroinvertebrates are a very useful way to detect even the slightest amount of pollutants, they have been used extensively to test water quality (Cairns & Pratt 1993).
Hypothesis The quality of insects will be much greater at the start of the stream than where it meets the river. The quality of insects will be much greater at the start of the stream than where it meets the river.
One Year Proposed Budget Travel Travel Research Research Equipment Equipment Salary Salary Expendables Expendables Totals Totals $2,000 $2,000 $800 $800 $200 $200 $10,000 $10,000 $600 $600 $19,000 $19,000
Data Form Site # Taxa # of Species
Questions? Josh Thomasson Josh Thomasson Biology-Environmental Concentration Biology-Environmental Concentration