Raiders from Scandinavian (Norway, Denmark, Sweden) Earliest Recorded Invasion – 786 BC Viking = “Men who trade places” They were initially traders who traded with Carolingian Empire in France No one sure exactly why they turned to piracy.
Most certainly not Christian! Worshipped the Norse Gods Odin & Thor Perfect death is in battle with a sword in hand gains you entrance to the sacred warrior hall of Odin – Valhalla
Increasing population – looking for a new place to settle Political rivalries Climate changes making food scarce Saw Christian churches as source of income?
Realized that monasteries were sources of income and robbed and burned them all Raped women and burned villages Eventually settled permanently and founded the city of DUBLIN in Ireland
THE VIKING LONG SHIP Built with a shallow hull so it could travel up stream on rivers and channels without bogging down Much more mobile then any ships in the world
Arrived in the night on ships in the shadows of darkness and fog The kings of the element of surprise “Guerilla warfare” Very rarely did they engage in open battle
Believed to have a special ability to work themselves up into a rage before battle to a point they fight without conscious thought and feel no pain Possibly drug-induced
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3 Families of Vikings plunder Western Europe and the Berserkers attack without warning! 1 in Gaul 1 in Spain 1 in Northern Africa