Building Better Futures for Hampshire Children £2 million a year from for projects joining up services for Hampshire children 5-13 years & families
Participation: Children’s Fund Children, Young People, their parents and carers participate in the design, delivery and evaluation of Children’s Fund projects Accessible Effective Sustainable
The Findings Participation builds capacity and resilience So there’s a whole sort of plus in terms of their developing self esteem now whether it’s to express themselves, their confidence in adults and I guess also there’s something about youngsters ability to, it actually enhances youngsters ability to make use of opportunities that adults provide, it might help give them tools, you know in the educational world and school, with their parents possibly, even the community where they live. (Board member Children’s Fund Partnership; National Evaluation of the Children’s Fund Research Report 602 DfES)
Hampshire Participation Strategy Is there evidence of dialogue with children, young people and families? Is there evidence of you said we did? Is there evidence of improvement in their lives?
Children’s Fund, CYPSP, Commissioning of Children’s Services Accessible Is there evidence dialogue Effective } baseline Action Plan Evidence you said we did Sustainable Improvement in their lives
Overall Strategy Needs led services and personal growth An active process where intended beneficiaries influence programme outcomes and gain personal growth (Oakley 1989) What did you do? What was the outcome?
Building Better Futures for Hampshire Children Helping Children and Young People to help themselves.