FABRICATION OF MAGNETRON TARGETS BY SHOCK COMPRESSION А. Е. Rozen, S. G. Usatyi, D. V. Karakozov, N. А. Lyubomirova Penza State University 40, Krasnaya Str, Penza, , Russia X EPNM
Urgency job 2 X EPNM World earnings of the technologies allowing combining abilities of capacitive and resistive touch displays will double by 2012 and will account for 4,4 billion US dollars. The given product is manufactured using targets of magnetron type of evaporation. Rather strict requirements are set for the targets: - high chemical purity and structural uniformity throughout the target; - high density for reducing gas content in pores; - high stability in the conditions of temperature changes and considerable temperature differences over the thickness.
Producing the target one should pay attention to: Producing the target one should pay attention to: - the density; - the density; - the grain size; - the grain size; - the uniformity; - the uniformity; - the target fastening to the base; - the target fastening to the base; - the technology of producing the resistive compact. - the technology of producing the resistive compact. There are two most widely-spread ways of producing the targets: There are two most widely-spread ways of producing the targets: - powder metallurgy; - powder metallurgy; - and melting with the following casting. - and melting with the following casting. 3 X EPNM
Objective of the work The objective of the work is development of the technology of shock-wave processing of the powder resistive material for the targets of the magnetron type of evaporation. The objective of the work is development of the technology of shock-wave processing of the powder resistive material for the targets of the magnetron type of evaporation. As the standard test material to carry out the research the silicon resistive material powder has been chosen. Its chemical composition: As the standard test material to carry out the research the silicon resistive material powder has been chosen. Its chemical composition: - Cr = 52,5 … 55,5 %; - Si = 38,0 … 43,0 %; - Co = 4,5 … 7,5 %. 4 X EPNM
5 Explosive pressing arrangement
Explosive compression 1 - electrical detonator; 2 – explosive charge; 3 - piston plate; 4 - conservation container; 5 - press powder; 6 – metal plate, 7 – rings; 8 – target foot; 9 – plate foot; 10 – ground. 6 X EPNM
Magnetron targets by shock compression 7 X EPNM
UVN 71-P3 p UVN 71-P3 plant 8 X EPNM
Comparative data 9 Target producing technique Electrophysical features resources, heating cycle minimal resistive layer, nm deviation of the resistance from the nominal, % Casting technique --- Hot pressing technique up to 1,0 Explosive pressing technique up to 0,5 X EPNM
Conclusions 10 X EPNM - it was shown that traditional technologies of producing articles from resistive materials do not provide achieving the performance criteria built in the nature of the matter; - it was shown that traditional technologies of producing articles from resistive materials do not provide achieving the performance criteria built in the nature of the matter; - it was developed the pattern of explosive loading; - it was developed the pattern of explosive loading; - it was received materials with high electrophysical characteristics. - it was received materials with high electrophysical characteristics.
Thank you for attention 11 X EPNM 40, Krasnaya Str, Penza, , Russia