Hi, we are the endocrine system. Our main function is to control growth and growth hormones.
The pituitary gland is a small, but mighty structure. No larger than a pea, it’s really two endocrine glands, one is called the anterior gland, or the adenohypophysis. And the other is called the posterior gland, or the neurohypophsis gland. But there are the diseases, three diseases that the pituitary gland can get are: 1. Gigantism. 2. Acromegaly. 3. Dwarfism.
Smallest cell in male body. Produces sperm cells and a secrete testosterone. Performs these functions by using ATP. Some diseases that the testes can get are: Testicular cancer. Neoplasm. Orchitis. If the HBC does not keep me, we will have no more children in the future. Which mean the human race will come to an end.
TThe female gonads in which ova (egg) is produced and a secrete progesterone. PPerforms these actions by producing female gametes, called ova. WWorks with r0eproductive system. Some diseases that the ovaries can get are: OOvarian cancer. LLuteoma. HHypogonadism. If the HBC does not keep me, there will be no more children in the future. Which means the human race will come to an end.
The Adrenal glands are located above kidneys. The Right gland is triangular and the left is rounded. The adrenal glands effect almost every organ and tissue in the body. For Example: Produces cortisol, which helps the body respond to stress Helps maintain blood pressure Helps slow down immune systems inflammatory response Some diseases that can appear in the adrenal glands are: Paracoccidiomycosis HIV infection Addison’s disease
The pancreas is located deep in the abdomen. It has an essential role in digestion. (converting food into fuel). It’s attached to a small intestine by the pancreatic duct through which digestive enzymes are scattered. They are in little groups called islets of langerhans. The HBC should keep me because I keep and control blood glucose levels. But there are the diseases, three diseases that the pancreas can get is: 1. pancreatitis, 2. Pancreatic cancer 3. Diabetes mellitus type 1. Picture not available (feeling a bit nauscious)