Organize it, Teach it, Write it, Present it: The iPad helps everyone work smarter not harder! Casey M. Barnes Kyung Hee U.
Where do you find apps? Talk to people Google "best teacher apps" App Store
Useful help
How much time? As much or more than you save...
Present it!
KeynoteKeynote Apple's PowerPoint Easy to use - iMac has very advanced functions, iPad version is simpler but also more limited Exportable as Keynote, PowerPoint, or PDF Cool Bluetooth pairing with iPhone or iTouch.
Prezi!Prezi! Easy to use app! Links directly to your online Prezi account. Build, edit, and display right from your iPad.
Cameras (front and rear) Attendance Student profiles Projector/"Elmo"- textbook, student work, etc. Documenting students achievement - Upload to Dropbox/wordpress/blogger/etc.
Dangers!Dangers! Full mirroring after iPad 1- students see everything! iTunes won't allow you to show movies bought from iTunes.
Organization Tools TeacherKit Smart seat Class dojo ClassAct (freemium)
Real time / In-class Updates
Sync Calendars - Google Calendar - IOS 7, iCalendar, Calenmob, Calendars (by Readle) Class website (blog) - I use Wordpress Real time / In-class Updates
Teach it! Educreations Explain Everything
TimersTimers iOS Clock Sand timer
Write it (and share it!) Pages - Apple's word Good reader Note taking apps -Evernote, PenUltimate, Notability
Mobile device tools Road movies Dragon dictation Voice thread Vyclone Merriam-Webster Freesaurus Keynote remote
Casey M. Barnes FB: Casey Barnes (sepia profile pic) Web: