Course Selection Counseling Staff: Dawn Shaw9 th -12 th Grade A-E Jessica Castro 9 th -12 th Grade F-L Tiffany Rushing9 th -12 th Grade M-R Mandy Stewart 9 th -12 th Grade S-Z Danielle Williams Lead Counselor Jennifer Kempton College & Career Counselor
Agenda Important Dates Graduation Requirements Course Sequences Four-Year Plans On-line Registration and Course Selection Sheets
Course Selection Timeline Course Selection Presentations to Students during Student Meetings: 9 th & 10 th Grade- February 29 th Parent Meeting for parents of CURRENT 9 th Grade February 29 th (6-8 PM) CURRENT 10 th Grade March 1 st (6-8PM)
Foundation Plan English 4 Math 3 Science 3 Social Studies3 Foreign Languages 2 Physical Education 1 Fine Arts 1 Electives 5 Total 22 credits
Distinguished Achievement Plan Foundation Plan + Endorsement English 4 Math 4 (includes Algebra 2) Science4 Social Studies4 Foreign Languages 2 Physical Education 1 Fine Arts 1 Electives 6 Total 26 credits
ENDORSEMENTS Allows students to pursue in-depth study of interest There are 5 endorsements 1.STEM 2.Business and Industry 3.Public Services 4.Arts and Humanities 5.Multidisciplinary Studies
English Course Sequence (Four years of English are required for graduation) Freshmen : English 1 or English 1 Pre-AP Sophomores: English 2 or English 2 Honors or English 2 Pre-AP Juniors: English 3 or English 3 Honors or English 3 AP Seniors: English 4 or English 4 AP or Dual Credit English 4
Math Course Sequence Algebra I or Algebra I Pre-AP Geometry or Geometry Pre-AP For students who struggle with algebra, Math Models may be recommended before taking Algebra II Algebra II or Algebra II Pre-AP ( Four years of math are required for graduation)
Math Course Sequence After Algebra II Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus Pre-AP Advanced Quantitative Reasoning AP Calculus Ag Math Engineering Math Dual Credit Finite Math/Dual Credit Statistics Dual Credit Algebra/Dual Credit Trig AP Statistics
Math Placement Check with your current teacher for the correct math placement for the school year.
Current CourseFall AverageRecommended course for next year Regular Algebra I Pre-AP Geometry Regular Geometry Pre-AP Algebra I Pre-AP Geometry Regular Geometry Pre-AP Algebra II Regular Algebra II Math Models Pre-AP Geometry Pre-AP Algebra II Regular Algebra II Pre-AP PreCalculus / AP Statistics Regular PreCalculus / Statistics (Regular or AP) Advanced Quantitative Reasoning Math Placement Suggestions
Pre-AP Algebra II Dual Credit Math Pre-AP PreCalculus / AP Statistics Regular PreCalculus AP Calculus AQR/Engineering Math/Ag Math Pre-AP PreCalculus AP Calculus / AP Statistics Advanced Quantitative Reasoning Math Placement Suggestions
Acceleration in Math We do not recommend acceleration in mathematics in summer school, online or by correspondence courses. These options do not allow time to fully understand and retain the concepts.
Science Course Sequence Option 1 9 th – Biology 10 th - Integrated Physics & Chemistry (IPC) 11 th - Chemistry 12 th - Physics
Science Course Sequence Option 2 9 th – Biology or Pre-AP Biology 10 th – Chemistry or Pre-AP Chemistry 11 th – Physics or AP Physics 12 th – 4 th Science
12th Grade Science Options Pre-AP Options Physiology & Anatomy* AP Level Options AP Biology * AP Physics* Dual Credit Level Options Biology* Regular Level Options Astronomy Earth and Space Science Advanced Animal Science Food Science Forensics* Aquatics * Prerequisites apply
Social Studies Course Sequence ( Three or four years of social studies are required for graduation.) World History or World History Pre AP U.S. History or U.S. History Honors or U.S. History AP or U.S. History Dual Credit U.S. Government or AND Economics or U.S. Government AP orEconomics AP U.S Government DC Economics DC (1/2 credit)
Social Studies Course Sequence (Three or four years of social studies are required for graduation.) World Geography or World History or Pre-Ap World History U.S. History or DC US History or AP US History World History or AP World History U.S. Government or Economics or U.S. Government AP orEconomics AP U.S Government DC AND Economics DC (1/2 credit) Four years of Social Studies is required with the Multidisciplinary Endorsement.
Foreign Languages Course Sequence Choices American Sign Language (1, 2, Pre-AP 3) French (1 [Pre-AP or Level], 2 [Pre-AP or Level], 3 Pre-AP, 4 AP) German (1 [Pre-AP or Level], 2 [Pre-AP or Level], 3 Pre-AP, 4 AP) Spanish (1 [Pre-AP or Level], 2 [Pre-AP or Level], 3 Pre-AP, 4 AP, 5AP)
Additional Requirements Fine Arts (performing or visual): 1 credit of same course PE: 1 credit (up to 4 for Athletics)
PE and Athletics Students need 1.0 credit for graduation Students may only take each PE course one year for credit (Foundations, Team Sports, Aerobics, Outdoor Ed) Each semester of athletics earns (.5) PE credit Cheerleading only receives PE credit for the 1 st year and each year after receives Local Credit and does not apply toward state graduation credit. Meaning, you will NOT receive credit after the 1 st year of Cheerleading.
Choose Courses Carefully AP courses provide COLLEGE- LEVEL curriculum and require 1-2 hours of homework per night. Students taking AP classes are strongly encouraged to take the AP test in May.
IMPORTANT! If a student decides he/she is unable to do the pre-AP or AP work, the student must stay in the class for the first four weeks. Schedule changes will be made only if space is available.
Know the Prerequisites!
AP STATISTICS 12281P0 Credit: 1 Grade: Prerequisite(s): Algebra II; Pre-Calculus (or concurrent enrollment) This course includes the study of major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. A graphing calculator with statistic capabilities is recommended. Students are expected to take the AP exam. Students who successfully complete the AP exam may receive credit for a one-semester college statistics course. Fee required for testing. This course requires a Student/Parent/Teacher contract.
New Courses for AP World History Pre-AP American Sign Language III Video Game Design III Advance Fashion Design Dual Credit Business Math Dual Credit Music Appreciation Problems and Solutions
Lone Star/SHSU Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment means a student takes college classes at LoneStar or SHSU and receives both high school and college credit simultaneously. Students are eligible to take LoneStar or SHSU classes when you are 15yrs old and meet the entrance requirements.
LoneStar Dual Enrollment Students may take up to 2 LoneStar courses per semester (approx. $66 per course). More classes can be taken with permission. SHSU courses cost significantly more. See Mrs. Kempton in the Career Center for more information.
Course Selection All Students MUST Complete: 1)Course Selection Contract & 4 Year Plan a) A Copy will be turned in to your Counselor today b)Opportunity to meet individually with a Counselor /Administrator at Parent Meeting 2) Online Eschool Course Selection a)Once you and your parents have decided on your courses, you will enter selections online b)Log in to Home Access Center to make Course Selections c)Follow directions provided in the handout to log in to HAC and make course selections.
Name Student ID Core classes Electives Choose extra classes Sign Parents Sign Semester Course on one line Full year Course on both lines
Course Selection Sheet Choices indicated on the Course Selection Sheet should match what you enter in Eschool. Please include at least 2 alternatives in case we are not able to schedule all your first choices. Remember: What is entered online overrides what is on the paper Choice Sheet.
FOUR-YEAR PLAN Every student is required to turn in a completed Four-Year Plan as part of the course selection process. A parent’s signature is required. Students know what they have taken, what they are signing up for next year, and any future courses that are required for graduation. Use the Four-Year Plan to help realistically decide what courses to take.
FOUR-YEAR PLAN It is important to indicate your post-secondary plans and the career clusters you feel most closely relate to your career plans right now. Your course selections in junior and senior year should reflect your chosen career interests! Remember, colleges look for rigor in your schedule. Please fill out the form completely in pencil.
Student Signature:_____________________________________________ Parent Signature:____________________________________________________ Counselor Initials_____ Date (____),_____ Date (_____),_____Date (_____) Make sure your print your name and sign and date. Choose an endorsement area Circle the level you want
Course Registration Choice sheets with the four-year plan must be completed March 18th Course Verification sheets will be handed out before the end of school. Because teachers are hired and the master schedule is created based on the classes you select now, THERE WILL BE VERY FEW SCHEDULE CHANGES GRANTED NEXT FALL.
Remember….. Participation Fees For , there is a $375 participation fee for: Driver’s Education For , there is a $600 participation fee for: Cosmetology For , there is a $20 participation fee for: Art Classes These fees are in additional to regular school supplies such as; pens, notebooks, ect. Please make sure you are aware of any class fees before you sign up for the class.
Parent Meeting Class of 2019 February 29 th 6-8 PM in the Auditorium Class of 2018 March 1 st 6-8 PM in the Library Class of 2017 March 3 rd 6-8PM in the Auditorium