20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 Vocabulary Byzantine Art Early Medieval Art Early Christian Art ?


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Byzantine Art Early Medieval Art Early Christian Art ?

small pieces of glass or tile

What are tesserae?

Portable Byzantine paintings of religious imagery often on golden backgrounds

What are icons?

Architectural achievement in creating large domes like seen at the Hagia Sophia

What is a pendentive?

The long, main section of a basilica plan church

What is a nave?

The symbol used to represent the transcendence of time and/or space seen surrounding Christ in art of the Middle Ages.

What is a mandorla?

The Byzantine style of art is associated with this half of the Roman Empire

What is the Eastern Roman Empire?

The interior of Byzantine churches were decorated with these

What are mosaics?

The breaking/destroying of artwork by its own culture

What is iconoclasm?

This emperor’s reign was called the Golden Age of Byzantine culture and art

Who is Justinian?

This Byzantine church holds the famous Justinian and Attendants

What is the San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy?

Tribes from this area aided the breakdown of the Western Roman Empire

What is Northern Europe?

The transient lifestyle of the early Christians caused much of the artwork of the early Medieval period to be this

What is small and moveable?

New imagery/iconography brought to Medieval Art from pagan tribes.

What is animal imagery and interlacing line work?

The beliefs that formed the culture of western Europe during the early Middle Ages

What were Roman, early Christian and pagan beliefs ?

This book contains one of the most famous cross carpet pages.

What is the Lindisfarne Gospel?

The structures the first Early Christian churches were based on.

What are Roman basilicas or political buildings?

The way Christ is shown in Early Christian Art

What is Christ as a young shepherd/teacher?

This later in life convert to Christianity had a sarcophagus made for him with biblical reliefs of the Old and New Testament

Who was Junius Bassus?

Two characteristics common to Early Christian Art.

What are symbolism and figures with stubby proportions?

The apse mosaic inside the mausoleum of Galla Placidia

What is Christ as the Good Shepherd?

This late Roman emperor's mausoleum influenced the design of early Christian mausoleums and central plan churches.

Who is Diocletian?

The location of the Ottonian column based on the Column of Trajan.

What is St. Michael’s?

The first vaulted structure of the middle ages north of the Alps.

What is the Palace Chapel of Charlemagne?

These figures, seen at the bottom of Theadora’s garment in her mosaic serve to associate Justinian’s rule with Christ.

Who were the Three Wise Men?

An example of the revival of monumental sculpture during the Middle Ages.

6 foot painted wood Crucifix for the Cologne Cathedral?