College of Engineering Wind Turbine – Part A Engineering Education Innovation Center ENGR 1181
Wind Turbine ENGR 1181 Plug in and Calibrate the Arduino by pressing the Reset Button. Turn voltage down before turning on the power supply. If you feel that your setup is incorrect or that some of your pieces aren't working properly please notify a TA. Look ahead in the procedure and plan for next week.
Wind Energy Parts ENGR 1181 Wind Tunnel18V Power SupplyData Acquisition Board Pitot Tube
Prepare for Next Week Research different Turbine Blade Geometries Decide what design you will make in the second week lab Be sure to bring a camera to class to take a photo of each design proposed
Final Instructions ENGR 1181 If you finish all the tasks for Week 1 start researching Wind Turbine blade designs There is no Report due next week. A combined lab Report is due one week after the second Wind Turbine Lab.
TopicDocument Type Marble Delivery SystemNone Quality and ProductivityExecutive Summary CircuitsExecutive Summary Solar Meter-- Solar CellMemo (Combined) Beam BendingMemo Wind Turbine A-- Wind Turbine BReport (Combined) Problem Solving Project 1 Project Notebook (Combined) Problem Solving Project 2 Problem Solving Project 3