Pempek is traditional Indonesian’s food from South Sumatera or Palembang. Pempek be famous because have good taste with sauce “Cuka”. We create the new type of pempek. Our pempek the form of love who made of the best material and the good taste. It’s so guaranteed quality. And the affordable price.
Pempek dough is made from a mixture of boneless ground fish meat, most commonly tenggiri, with water, salt, egg and tapioca. Kuah cuko is produced by adding palm sugar, chili pepper, garlic, vinegar, and salt to boiling water.
1.Mix flesh of fish, warm water and salt. Add sago palm flour and wheat flour little by little while mixing until it is mixed. 2.Form it like love (about 75 g); make a hole in the middle by point finger. Then turn it around while pressed until it becomes a pocket and put some broken raw egg in. Shut and close the hole tightly. 3.Boil some water and add pempek one by one. Wait until pempek floats to the surface. Take them out and drain. 4.Soup: Boil some water. Put in garlic, chilies, soy sauce, sugar, brown sugar, and salt. Boil them until sugar is dissolved. Filter the dregs. Add vinegar and mix it. 5.Fry pempek in oil and then take them out and drain when they are brownish. 6. Serving: Cut fried pempek into bite sized pieces and put in a plate. Add noodles and cucumbers above them and pour the soup. Pempek cinta is ready to be offered.
For The Big Love Pempek Ori (without egg) : IDR 16k For The Small Love Pempek Ori (without egg) : IDR 10k For The Big Love Pempek (with egg) : IDR 20k For The Small Love Pempek (with egg) : IDR 13k
- Sales (119/portion x x 26 days)= Rp Materials = Rp Officer Salary/month x 9 person = Rp Restaurant tax = Rp Profit = Rp
For marketing strategy, we are most using of social media. Because social media is easy and quickly attract the attention of consumers. Our restaurant is located on : St. Mark Square, Lippo Village Tangerang, Banten Indonesia And for consumers who want delivery can contact us on 14066