How can we work together and effectively map where an NGO has their projects deployed? 1.Ms. Heng Huy Eng 2.Mr. Pheng Phearak (TL) 3.Mr. Om Dara 4.Mr. Chunly Serey Vicheth 5.Mr. Loch Kalyan 1.Ms. Heng Huy Eng 2.Mr. Pheng Phearak (TL) 3.Mr. Om Dara 4.Mr. Chunly Serey Vicheth 5.Mr. Loch Kalyan
Issue/Problem Statements Many NGOs in Cambodia are active in different sectors across the country from urban to far flung areas. Issues: – Some projects of NGOs are overlapped – Lack of effective way to find out where each project is being deployed for each NGO. – Makes it hard for NGOs to partner with another NGO that might have projects in their area.
Why is solving these issues important to Cambodia? It will link all NGOs together to be able to collaborate more effectively and efficiently. It will ease the Donors in finding out where each NGO operates, what project each NGO implements. Therefore, each NGO can conceive new projects which are different from the existing ones; and each Donor can be sure to support any projects that are not overlapping with existing projects in the same areas. Ultimately, many Cambodians across Cambodia will benefit because NGOs projects will not concentrate on just some areas or some groups of people.
How Can We Solve Them?
Project Plan Contact CCC, MOI, MOF, Donors Develop Beta Version Announcement ( Tech Solution: , website, social network) Announcement ( Tech Solution: , website, social network) Following up & Data base Updating Launching NGOs MAP CAMBODIA (V.1) Training of Trainers (key persons from NGOs, MOI, MOF, Donors, ect.) Training of Trainers (key persons from NGOs, MOI, MOF, Donors, ect.) Virtual Training at local level M & E
Available technology for this project Mapping technology to identify the geographical locations – GPS – Arc GIS, Quantum, Google Map – Web Applications that assist in the adding, uploading and downloading up-to-date information – Mobile phone
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