#ICANNPolicy Call with SO-AC-SG-RALO Chairs 30 July 2015
#ICANNPolicy | 2 1.Introduction – David 2.Remarks by Fadi *Community progress on ICG/Accountability processes (Paris meeting), *BA accomplishments, and *the CEO Search) 3.Update on Meeting B Strategy *Reminder for further inputs – Nick 4.Dublin Preparations – 80 days left *Remarks by Michele Neylon on Dublin preparations *SOAC High Interest topic for Monday session - David *Friday SO-AC-SG-RALO Workshop; Dinner with ICANN Global leaders – David 5.Status update on the SOAC Activity Matrix – Rob Hoggarth 6.AOB Agenda
| 3 Meeting B
| 4 Next Calls: 20 August 13:00 UTC 24 September 13:00 UTC