How to box smart TIPS Workshop, Pretoria 4-5 March Dr Mareike Meyn
EPAs - How to box smart? TIPS workshop March The pros and cons It is true… the negotiation power is highly asymmetric; EC has often delayed process and has not been responsive to ACP ideas; having to give away market access in IEPA might have decreased ACP negotiation power Interim EPAs are sufficient to guarantee WTO compatibility but…. taking EPAs out of the ‘headlight’ might help finding compromises; African countries have supporting groups within the EU (NGOs, private sector, research institutes, Parliamentarian, single member states…) IEPA countries have committed themselves to continue negotiations
EPAs - How to box smart? TIPS workshop March “There is no substitute during tough negotiations for a good argument and proper preparation.” Wilhelm Smalberger, member of the South African trade negotiation team when negotiating the EU-South Africa free trade agreement
EPAs - How to box smart? TIPS workshop March How to move things forward Analyse the EPA What provisions should be improved? Are some of the provisions more onerous than those of other regions? Improve the information exchange with other regions What are their priorities and objectives? What strategies did/do they apply? Are they suitable for your region? Learn lessons What went wrong when negotiating the interim EPAs? How can former mistakes be avoided?
EPAs - How to box smart? TIPS workshop March How to move things forward Identify your offensive interests ACP prime focus in EPAs was defensive (maintaining market access; avoid market opening Identify also your offensive interests with respect to services and trade related issues; and With respect to A4T (identify gaps; propose allocation) Formulate a coherent strategy for 2008 Consult with national and regional stakeholders Mainstreaming trade into your development strategy Lobby for your interest by finding allies Other ACP countries, development departments of EU member states, other WTO members…
EPAs - How to box smart? TIPS workshop March How to box smart Important to remember that both parties need to present ‘successes’ Some provisions might only be ‘make-up’ but allow the EC to sell the EPA as ‘comprehensive’ Example of public procurement in the CARIFORUM EPA CF submitted a positive list of public entities that shall treat “any eligible supplier of either … Party equally in accordance with the principle of open and effective competition.” ?What is an ‘eligible supplier’? Plus: –several areas are excluded from the provisions –Limited tendering allowed in cases such as ‘extreme urgency’ –Implementation of chapter is linked to technical assistance and subject to a 3 years transition period (5 years for LDCs)
EPAs - How to box smart? TIPS workshop March A regional negotiation machinery Heads of States of the single African regions did not agree on a negotiation strategy and did not establish a joint negotiation machinery To establish a regional negotiation machinery is hard work: harmonisation of national positions creation of a regional position; continued information exchange, consultation and dialogue according adaptation of the regional negotiation position; However, there are significant advantages: Best use of resources and sound advice to single countries; A coordinated strategy is much more powerful The risk that the region is split-up during negotiations is lower
EPAs - How to box smart? TIPS workshop March Basic rules how to box smart Analyse the text and the obligations arising from it carefully. Cooperate closely with countries that successfully negotiated with the EU (such as Mexico, Chile, CARIFORUM). Develop a coherent national strategy and harmonise it on a regional level. Consult with your regional partners how a non-acceptable provision could be rephrased to become acceptable. Identify what you would like to get out of the EPA and link your obligations to technical and financial assistance transitional periods during which capacity is built.
EPAs - How to box smart? TIPS workshop March Basic rules how to box smart Take advantage of the Special and Differential Treatment Provision when negotiating transitional periods CF achieved longer transitional periods for its ‘lesser developed members’ in case or regional liberalisation; service liberalisation, public procurement, and IPR. Bundling power when addressing the development component: All ACP claim for binding commitments to tackle transitional costs (linked to single chapters!) Finding supporters (EU states, European Parliament, lobby groups…)
How to box smart TIPS Workshop 5-6 March 2008