1 Elements of EI Data Management Melinda Ronca-Battista ITEP/TAMS Center
2 Data management is keeping track of information used to estimate emissions
3 The “answer” you get from an EI is... Sources of air pollution Amount of air pollution from each source
4 The “answer” you get... (cont.) Example Residential woodstoves is a source of emissions 10 tons per year of CO 50 tons per year of PM 10 …and so on for other criteria pollutants
5 Data Management Data management is describing how you got those numbers “Road map” to how you got answer
6 Data Management – How? 1. Keep information in notes, logbook 2. Include information in EI report 3. Store in spreadsheet or database, such as TEISS Use all three for complete Data Management
7 Calculators: Printing Blank Forms Keep paper data collection forms on file!! Print and use as data collection sheets
8 Data Management – Why? Proves quality of your emission estimates Helps when updating EI Don’t have to redo/refigure everything
9 You start with... Collected Data For example, amount of wood burned for residential heating (i.e., number of cords) Types of stoves people are using TEISS Tools Emission factors Equation that puts all these numbers together to calculate your emissions estimate
10 Data Management: Records How did you estimate # cords burned for residential heating? Guessed based on personal knowledge of your reservation Used population and estimate of percent of homes burning wood Did survey to count woodstove types and amount of wood burned Data Quality Least reliable Most reliable
11 Data Management: Records (cont.) Example formula E = EF x (W x H x % x D) E = emission rate EF = emission factor for given pollutant W = volume of wood burned annually for one home H = number of tribe households % = percent houses heating with wood D = Dry density of wood Activity Data
12 Data Management: Records (cont.) For each variable, identify source of variable in notes, TEISS project, and EI, for example: EF s from EPA AP-42, fifth edition If using TEISS calculators, look at opening screen of TEISS calculator to find source of EFs W from tribal housing office estimate H and % from tribal housing office D from EPA AP-42, Fifth edition
13 Data Management Report Example Read the DataManagementReportEx document This document shows an example of how to present data in an EI report
14 Data Management Spreadsheet Example Onscreen demonstration of the spreadsheet associated with the report example
15 Crucial Data Collect the mandatory data elements, at a minimum, for every source you inventory Having these data allows your tribal sources to be included in National Emission Inventory (NEI) Regional air quality modeling
16 Data from Point Sources Record the following information AT MINIMUM Name of facility North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS code) Complete street address Lat/long or UTM coordinates (with datum) Start and end date of emission process
17 Data from Point Sources (cont.) Source Classification Code (SCC) Estimated emission for each inventoried pollutant Period of emission estimate (annual, weekly, daily, etc.) Specify units of emission estimate (tons/year, lbs/month, etc.)
18 Point Source – Process Level Best if broken down to process level because it increases accuracy and usefulness of data Example Site: ABC Gravel Company Units: Screening operation, excavating operation Processes: Loading, screening, output Release points: stacks, vents, fugitive Control devices and their efficiency
19 Processes Example: Sand and Gravel Pit Excavating Operation Screening Operation Screening Loading Output Release Points Control Devices Release Points Control Devices Release Points Control Devices Emission Units Emission Processes
20 Nonpoint and Mobile Sources Record the following information AT MINIMUM SCC Period of emission estimate (usually annual) Estimated emission for each inventoried pollutant Specify units of emission estimate (tons/year, lbs/month, etc.)
21 Data Management Summary Describe in notes, TEISS project, and EI WHAT you are calculating HOW you calculated emissions estimate WHERE you got data WHEN you collected data WHO you got your data from Include mandatory data for NEI
22 TEISS QA/QC Tools Place to document data sources Documents QA checks Can automatically list frequently entered names
23 QA/QC Report If multiple users established, can show who modified data Add users from File, Administration, Define Groups/Users
24 Homework due in 5 days: Read the Bishop Paiute Tribe EI to get a sense of what is included in a Level 1, 2, or 3 EI.Bishop Paiute Tribe EI Answer the questions in the Homework_DataManagement document. your answers to the instructors.