Good data management is fundamental for high quality data, for facilitating data sharing, and for ensuring the sustainability and accessibility of data and its reuse by the community. Sound business decisions depend upon optimum data accuracy, consistency, timeliness, and completeness. What is Data?
Open data is the idea that government-held data is essentially the property of the public and where ever possible, should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. What is Open Data? Increasing visibility and accessibility of Council data promotes sharing and reuse, encourages enquiry and further research, reduces data duplication costs, and leads to new collaborations with the users of our data.
OPEN BY DEFAULT FREE BY DEFAULT ACCESSIBLE & IN OPEN FORMAT VALUABLE TO THE COMMUNITY Council will make Council-held public data openly available by default Council will provide free access to Council- held public data where ever possible Council will release data in open formats as per best practice open data standards Council will provide data that is of high value to the community and industry HIGH QUALITY Council will release data that is of the highest quality where ever possible Open Data Principles
Open Data Release Process Open access to Council data provides: Improved governance and transparency More robust accountability about what we are doing and how resources are used Reduces the burden on Council by proactively making information available in raw form Supports the transition from government managed services to community-led initiatives.
Risks and Considerations LIABILITY – where does Council stand if the reuse of Council-held public data causes problems for those who use it? COMMERCIALITY – what if a third party profits from the reuse of our data? DATA – what information should we release in open format?