Thunder Rose Day 1
You are going to read about the science behind tornadoes and how knowing about them ahead of time can help people be better prepared for the challenges they bring.
Discuss: Have you ever experienced a severe storm, flood, hurricane or tornado? What do people do to prepare for a natural disaster?
Anchored Talk P Which natural disaster is shown in the top picture? What might a tornado do? How is nature challenging the man in the photo? This dangerous climb could put his life in danger. What could happen to him?
Anchored Talk How can this wildfire challenge people? Wildfires can become very dangerous if they get out of control. How can nature challenge us?
Amazing Words Roaring-loud or deep sound or noise He could hear the wind roaring in the distance. Stationed-means to put a person in a certain place to do a job The soldier was stationed at Fort Hays.
Amazing Words Meteorologist-someone who studies weather The meteorologist said it would rain tomorrow. Twister-a whirlwind or a tornado The farmers could see the twister in the distance.
Veins- tubes inside the body that carry blood I learned about veins in my science class.
Night of the Twisters Night of the Twisters is about a family’s scary experience with a tornado. Listen for: Roaring Stationed Meteorologist twister
Cause and Effect An effect is something that happens A cause is the reason why These clue words tell me when the organizational pattern of a text is a cause- and-effect relationship: Because, therefore, since This organization helps me understand the relationships in the ideas in a story
daintily-in a delicate way She daintily picked her way through the field. There was no place to live because there was so much devastation.
lullaby- a bedtime song My mother used to sing me a lullaby. Pitch- tar, very black They used pitch to fix the road.
Resourceful- being very capable or handy They didn’t need to hire a carpenter, their dad was very resourceful? Thieving- stealing or robbing He has a history of thieving.
Constructed- built They constructed the treehouse from wood scraps. Branded- a way of marking something The cow was branded on his hind quarter.
Vowel-Consonant-Vowel Fe/ver: the vowel in the first syllable is long Spi/der: long La/bel: long vowel
Subjects and Predicates Subject: is the who or what of the sentence Predicate: the rest of the sentence, that explains what the predicate did Riley rode her bike down the street Riley: subject Rode her bike down the street: predicate
Let’s Practice Tandy plays basketball with her friends. The pond is freezing over. Nathan is a construction worker. That owl sleeps during the day because it is a nocturnal animal.
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