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Louisiana Territory Indian Removal Other Smart Stuff 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Expansion Launching the Nation
This is an action or decision that later serves as an example
A precedent (10)
President Washington created this group of dept. heads to help advise him on important issues
Cabinet (20)
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution allowed the powers of government to be stretched.
Elastic Clause (30)
This view meant the federal gov’t could only do what the Constitution specifically says it can do; Jefferson’s View
Strict Construction (40)
The Federalist Party supported this type of government; Hamilton supports
Strong central government (50)
France sold this area of land to the U.S. in 1803
Louisiana Territory (10)
One goal of the Lewis & Clark expedition was to learn more about the people and land and this…
To find a river route to the Pacific; the northwest passage (20)
Why did Napoleon need to sell the Louisiana Territory?
He needed money to fund the French Navy (30)
Who did Jefferson send to explore the southwest part of the LA Territory?
Zebulon Pike (40)
EXPLAIN two ways the Louisiana Purchase affected the U.S.
US doubles in size…American Indians affected… more resources expands economy, etc. (50)
Lewis and Clark would probably have failed if it weren’t for…
Sacagawea (10)
How will expansion affect the country economically?
More land=more resources; new methods of transportation & communication will improve trade (20)
Why was the US willing to pay $10 million for New Orleans?
Important port city on the Mississippi River (30)
If the US wants to expand further west past the LA Territory to the Pacific Ocean, which country stands in their way?
Spain (40)
Describe a negative social affect of westward expansion.
American Indians will lose their land; Conflict over land btwn Americans & Am. Indians… (50)
The President who signed the Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson (10)
Reason Americans wanted American Indians removed from the southeast
Americans wanted the land for farming; gold was found in GA (20)
The area reserved for American Indians to move to.
Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) (30)
Action the Cherokee took to resist removal
Created the Cherokee Nation to adopt white culture (40)
Result of court case Worcestor v. Georgia
Cherokee are their own community; GA has no authority over them … they are removed anyway. (50)
Which early method of transportation helped Akron become a “boom town?”
Ohio and Erie Canal (10)
Advances in transportation and communication caused this to grow
Population (Cities); Economy (Trade) (20)
“What hath God wrought?” was the first message sent over wire using this invention.
Telegraph (30)
How did canals affect where RR and highways developed?
The RR and highways developed alongside the canals, connecting the same cities. (40)
This event resulted from the court case Worcester v. Georgia.
Trail of Tears (50)
Make your wager
Identify two examples of advances in transportation, and explain how these advances changed economic patterns in the US.
Canals, RR, Steamboats, Roads Faster transportation leads to increase in trade and more $$ Population grows in west leading to growth of cities and economy New/more jobs develop within these areas