Walt Disney By Molly Brewer
introduction of Walt Disney Can you imagine being fames for your drawings? Well I know someone who is. His name was Walt Disney. He made over 20 books, cartoons, and even amusement parks.
Walt's childhood Walt was born on Dec. 5, Walt's parents were Flora and Elias. Walt was born in two story cottage on worth street avenue in Chicago. Every morning Walt would get up and hand out newspapers. Every night heed take art class.
Walt as a teen ager Walt had a summer job working on a train that traveled throe Kansas to misery to Spiro to Oklahoma. He worked at a post office. He worked as an abidance driver. He was in thee army for a year and returned home on Oct Walt was still 22 when he still had no girlfriend.
What Walt did at work He teemed up with another artist named U.B. Walt worked at a slide company. Every evening heed draw a cartoon character. A few men joined Walts baseness. Walt worked on a film called Alice in Wonderland. Walt turned to his brother to work with him. His name was Roy. Roy was practical. Walt had only 3 months to make a new film. Walt & Roy set up a shop on king well avenue. Walt invented a new character named Oswald the lucky rabbit. The studio began selling cartoons on a regular bastes.
As Walt got older Walt desited to change the name of the studio. So instead of the Disney brothers it'd be Walt Disney studios. Walt was DOBLE CROSSED!!! Someone had stolen Walt's cartoon character!!! Walt was married on July 13 th,1925. Walt's first cartoon character was Mickey Mouse. Walt's 2 nd character was Donald Duck. Walt was the first person to make sound on cartoons. Walt made really silly symphonies. Two trees that fall in love was the first movie in color. Walt worked so hared he collapsed. Walt wearied that he would never be a father.
Walt in his 40s In 1933 Walt's wife was pregnant. Walt's parents moved to Portland. Walt's wife, Flora died in a house with a gas floating in the air. Walt made Fantasias, Pinocchio, and Bamby. Walt invented the radio. Disney land opened in July 17 th, Walt had his13th anniversary after Disney land opened. In July 1966 Walt had his 41 st anniversary. Walt had lung cancer because he smoked. Walt died December 15 th Walt died when he was 65 years old.