 V = verb: action verb or linking verb  S = subject: noun or pronoun performing the action  Adverb = Modifies an adjective, a verb, or another adverb.


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Presentation transcript:

 V = verb: action verb or linking verb  S = subject: noun or pronoun performing the action  Adverb = Modifies an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. It tells how, when, where, and to what extent. Many adverbs end in “ly.”

 suddenly, mistakenly, quickly, sadly, hopefully, never, not, tomorrow, yesterday, today, frequently  If an adverb starts a sentence, place a comma after it.

Yesterday, my grandfather came to visit. Step 1: Does an adverb start the sentence? YES Step 2: Place a comma after the adverb.

 V = verb: action verb or linking verb  S = subject: noun or pronoun performing the action  D = dependent clause Dependent clauses begin with Subordinating Conjunctions, are followed by a comma and an independent clause

after, although, as, as if, as soon as, as long as, because, before, if, since, in order to, so that, though, where, when, while, whenever, wherever

 Both the dependent and independent clauses have their own subjects and verbs.  The difference between the dependent and independent clauses is that dependent clauses must begin with a subordinating conjunction.

Step 1: Cross out any prepositional phrases. Step 2: Look for possible subordinating conjunctions. -Are any of the conjunctions part of the list? -Circle the subordinating conjunction and label it with an “s” Step 3: Find the verbs. -Underline the complete verb twice in each part Step 4: Ask “who or what is (insert verb)?” -Underline the subject once in each part. Step 5: If you have a subordinating conjunction followed by an SV and then a comma and another SV, then you have Pattern D.

Since our time is limited, we should complete all work by Friday. Step 1: Cross out prepositional phrases. BY FRIDAY (BY= preposition) Step2: Look for a SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION. SINCE Step 3: Find the action. IS LIMITED/SHOULD COMPLETE (verb) -Underline these words twice. Step 4: Who or what “is limited” and “should complete”? TIME/WE(subject) -Underline these words once. Step 5: Is there a subordinating conjunction followed by a SV and a comma and then another SV? YES PATTERN D: D,I

 Copy the following sentences. Label appropriately. › 1. Unfortunately, the accused did not survive. › 2. After the meeting the person in the seat next to me left. › 3. After the meeting ended, the person in the seat next to me left.