University of Ulster – UNESCO Centre UNESCO Chair in Education Aid, Education and Peacebuilding Alan Smith UNESCO Chair University of Ulster Smith, Alan (2011) Education and Peacebuilding: from ‘conflict-analysis’ to ‘conflict transformation’? Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt), Bonn, Germany.
Education and conflict - three discourses Education, Aid and Security (attacks on education, education as an instrument in the ‘war on terror’) Humanitarian responseConflict sensitive approachPeacebuilding Education in emergencies INEE (disasters, fragility, conflict..) Education clusters ‘Two faces’ of education Conflict analysis Do no harm Research on relapses (Collier, WB) UN peacebuilding architecture, PBF SG call for an integrated approach Implications for donors, development agencies and national governments... Positioning How agencies operate Programming Monitoring and Evaluation; Research
DAC Principles for development assistance in fragile states The DAC Principles emphasise the need to: 1.Take context as a starting point 2.Move from reaction to prevention 3.Establish state building as the central objective 4.Align with local policies and or systems 5.Recognise political-security-development nexus 6.Promote coherence between donor government agencies 7.Agree on Practical Co-ordination Mechanisms 8.Ensure all activities "Do no harm"Do no harm 9.Mix and sequence instruments to fit the context 10.Act fast… 11.…but stay engaged e.g. 10 year plans 12.Avoid aid orphans (characterised by low engagement and field presence)
Are youth a ‘risk’ or a ‘resource’ for peacebuilding? Theoretical frameworks: Peace & conflict theory Greed v grievance Liberal peacebuilding Negative Peace (absence of violence) ↓ ‘conflict management’ Positive Peace (address structural inequalities) ↓ ‘conflict transformation’ Security DDR disarmament Stronger policing Monitoring for radicalism Diversion into other activities Involving youth in security decisions Improving relations with police Earning respect for the justice system Political Emphasis on political elites Early move to multiparty elections Limits of consociational governance Developing political literacy Youth civic engagement Economic Financial settlements and incentives TVET schemes, apprenticeships Sustainable livelihoods for youth TVET linked to economic opportunities Social Interpersonal relations and encounters Inter faith and intercultural understanding Sport, drama, arts, music as bridge builders Focus on roots of conflict Power relations between groups in society Understanding how identity is mobilised