Oslo Outreach Activities Outline: Outreach and CERN-50 events Experience and lessons we have learned Exhibits we have used EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities Venus Transit – Stand representing the study program: Physics Astronomy and Meteorology. CERN posters from the CERN 50 pages PC – hands-on-cern, demos Cloud chamber EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities The Research Days is a national event September Our research group participated in two of the main events The Research-marked and Young Research We represented the Physics Department and presented the CERN activities through 50 years. EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities Research-marked was the big event. Two full days. Title: The Secrets of the Universe – experiments for the future Two tents: CERN 50 Exhibition, made at CERN Norwegian CERN activities through 50 years. EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities Lead glass blocks Cloud chamber SAT from DELPHI (1000 kg ) EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities Snapshots from the preparation EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Osl o
Oslo Outreach Activities Ready for receiving the guests. Friday morning: many young children years (a day off from school...) Saturday: many families EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Osl o CERN Norway Screens Poster wall
Oslo Outreach Activities Young Research September Visitors: youth, 16 – 19 years. The events took place at the university The CERN exhibition was part of the presentation of the Department of Physics. Cloud chamber EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Osl o
Oslo Outreach Activities TV-program – 5. min about CERN and LHC in the most popular science program. The last CERN 50 event, so far... Closing of the exhibition: General public, jubilee-lecture, Prof. Egil Lillestøl. Birthday cake for all. EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities Experience: The CERN Exhibition: It was attracting people, but it needed some explanation. It functioned at it's best when there was a person there to explain and talk with the visitors. Practical issues: Not too difficult to put up. We managed to move it on our own. Some problems with the security for the screens, specially the plasma screen. CERN posters: easy to print with good resolution. One could choose to print only a selection of them. EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities The “hands-on” things attracted most attention – compared to the different multi media presentations (CERN presentations, PCs) The visitors, specially the young don't have time and patience to stay before a screen. They are more difficult to impress. Most popular: Cloud chamber simple and “live”, it has something to do with the space. EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities The visitors were impressed by the SAT detector – WHAT is that? And the Atlas model – but again, it needed explanation. EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities Nice example of: Hands on exhibit and Young Research EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo
Oslo Outreach Activities Exhibits Cloud chamber: Supersaturated Environments The Atlas model: It possible to order a copy of the model. EPOG – K. Pajchel, University of Oslo