Offshore Oil Drilling Daquan Watson English 12 Mrs. Pugh
Tools Need a drill head. Need oil pipes
Platforms Short platforms are for the lower water spots. Big platforms are for the water that is higher.
Platforms Looks
Oil pipes
News Kills lots of animals Spills of oil
Animals Shrimp Jellyfish
Oil Pens R T
Oil Bottles
Effects Water get dirty Things die
Showing the Effects
Things that come for it! Makes a lot of money Kills the world Kills plants
Oil Its hard to get rid of Can not waste it
Need to take care of Lots of pipes get bust Spill in the oceans
Oil effects to the animals Can not get of the body Hard to get clean
World World looks for oil Oil is a very paying
Oil in water One drop of oil will make a lot of water not to be drank abole
Ocean Floor There are gas traps Things on the ocean floor
Making oil It take a lot of power and energy
Pictures of Oil Site Its really oily