AMPS : International Support for Antarctic Science and Activities Kevin W. Manning Jordan G. Powers National Center for Atmospheric Research
International Users of AMPS Countries/Programs include Italy (PRNA) Terra Nova Bay Australian Bureau of Met. Casey, Davis, Mawson; British Antarctic Survey Rothera Chile Eduardo Frei South African Weather Service Germany Neumayer Russia Novolazarevskaya Japan Syowa Norway Troll AMPS products are freely available on-line –who uses what is unclear
International Users of AMPS Quantifying AMPS usage Simple metrics –Web-page statistics – statistics AMPS Archive –Is the international community using it? Access isn’t the easiest (NCAR account needed, MM5v3 format, large files, etc.) BPRC suggestion: an archive subset with web access. A possibility?
Interpret Web statistics with caution! Types of counts: –Access: request for an image, text, or html page. –Visit: Any number of accesses from a given host during one hour Alternate access –Tar files provided for for: UK/BAS Germany/AWI Italy/PRNA –FTP access for Australian Bureau of Met. –Direct download of image files, bypassing much of the web counters Web Page Statistics
“Visits” Per Day
Web Page Statistics “Visits” Per Day %
Web Page Statistics “Visits” Per Day %33 % Unknown 18 %
Web Page Statistics “Accesses” Per Day 90 % 5 % Unknown 5 %
Web Page Statistics.gov65.7 %.mil20.5 % Numeric5.5 %.edu3.4 %.jp1.6 %.nz0.9 %.de0.8 %.it0.4 % 11,566,759 “Accesses”.gov28.9 % Numeric18.0 %.jp11.4 %.edu10.3 %.de9.8 %.mil4.9 %.uk2.7 %.nz2.5 % 40,476 “Visits”
AMPS Statistics (messages to Interpret with caution! This is intended only for a rough idea of interactions –Limitations: Not everything is saved No consistent criteria for saving messages Occasional directory cleanup Others also
(continued) 1316 total saved s from Oct 01-May internal, leaving 666 external s: –286 (43%) McMurdo/SPAWAR –202 (30%) “Collaborators” (BPRC, SSEC, CU, …) –124 (19%) International (au, de, uk, cl, it, za, …) –35 (5%) Administrative –19 (3%) Miscellaneous
Recent Interactions Germany – AWI UK – BAS Italy Australia – Bureau of Met. Chile
Products specifically tailored for international groups Model soundings –Specifically requested by international users Model time series –Specifically requested by international users Plotting windows –Casey, Davis/Mawson –Queen Maud Land –S. Atlantic Model gridded output (GRIB) –Used by Italy
Products (continued) Computational windows –Expanded 30-km grid motivated by the range of activity around the edge of the continent Inspired by the Workshop on Antarctic NWP and Forecasting for Operations (Oct 2002) –Antarctic Peninsula 10-km grid Peninsula grid motivated largely by the extensive international activity there Plus it is an important feature of the continent, poorly resolved on the 30-km grid
AMPS can benefit from the community as well More eyes looking at the model daily –Feedback from community is helpful –Suggestions (like in these workshops) are helpful Possible access to data sources? –ECMWF analyses in real time would be great. Any possible leverage here? Other groups doing analysis –BAS, BOM, Italy
Encouragement of international cooperation Is more international cooperation and collaboration desirable? How to involve other groups more formally in Antarctic NWP development? –Archive access? –Forecast evaluation? –Product development? –NWP Research? –Collaborations with modeling efforts of individual nations?
Encouragement of International Cooperation (Cont’d) Are collaborative visits (e.g., 1-2 months) to NCAR a possibility? –Possible activities Development: Physics packages? Initialization? Observation sources and uses? WRF? Forecast / Performance analysis? Education/Training? –Funding such visits? Involvement of COMNAP (Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs)?
Priorities for increased computational resources? Higher resolution overall? Larger high-resolution grids? Additional high-resolution grids? Longer forecast? More complex parameterizations? –Research and development needed Data Assimilation? –6-hour update cycle? –Ensembles? Research and development needed Do we have enough appropriate data? Research and Collaborations? –Computationally intensive NWP experiments? –Long-term parallel testing / comparison studies?