Planning for Walk Expansion Terry Sanders Executive Director American Lung Association
Key to Success CREATING A STRONG FOUNDATION –Know the Facts Why is the Alzheimer’s Association going into this community? How will the dollars raised be used to further the mission? Will the dollars raised stay in their community?
Key to Success CREATING A STRONG FOUNDATION –Know the Community Other organizations, events and activities Business Community leaders What else is important to learn about this community?
Key to Success CREATING A STRONG FOUNDATION –Gather and Know Your Data Surveys –Develop Plan –Determine Messaging
–Recruitment of Committee Sponsors Fundraising Walkers Teams/Team Captains Day-of-Event Volunteers Key to Success COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT
–Committee Building Activities Exploratory Meetings Networking Opportunities Presentation Opportunities Organizational Meetings Committee Kick-offs Launch Parties Walk Celebrations Key to Success COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT
–Listen more than talk! –Committee Meetings Social aspect Agendas Encouraging use of contacts –Managing from a Distance Key to Success LESSONS LEARNED