We chose this scale because we wanted our room to not be too big, but not too small, either. This seemed like a good scale that would take up most of the poster and still be fairly easy to calculate. We thought this would be a good representation of the classroom.
For furniture, we wanted to use things that didn’t take up too much space, but that also could hold a lot, like storage space. Tables were the biggest problem because most tables were either too big or ended up not holding enough students per table. As you will see in the next slide, we ended up finding a good table that worked for our classroom. The next slide has pictures of all the furniture and accessories that we used.
Student’s table Students & Teacher’s Chair Projector Cart Laptop Cart Mrs. Reyes Macbook Air Student 27” iMacs Projector Teacher’s Desk SmartboardComputer Table Teacher’s Bookshelf Trash Can
Tables and chairs, we chose based on size, so that they didn’t take up too much space, but also didn’t take up too little. We wanted extra space for other things, so we put slightly larger tables so there would be less of them. We put two smartboards because sometimes the teacher might want to display two things at a time, so there are two smartboards. We put 8 large iMacs for student use in the back for project work, and also a laptop cart full of Macbooks for other uses.
These are our scale calculations for our furniture and accessories. Item Actual Length in inches Actual Width in inches Scaled Length (# of squares) Scaled Width(# of squares) Student's tables72 inches36 inches Student and teacher chairs Projector Table Mrs. Reyes MacBook iMacs for students Projector Teachers Desk Smartboard Computer Tables Mrs. Reyes Bookshelf Trash Can Laptop Cart
wallsorginal in inchesscale in squares Puzzle wall Teachers wall smartboard wall bravo board window side divider wall mini wall thickness of divider thickness of mini wall doors windows space b/w window cabinet side near smartboard These are the scale calculations for the classroom walls, doors, and windows.
This classroom is a good learning environment for several reasons. First of all, this classroom has a lot of technology: iMacs, Macbooks, Smartboards. This allows students to research and do projects through technology. In terms of the physical classroom, the students are in large groups for group work if needed, but also have enough space and comfort for working alone. The teacher is in a good place to view the whole class and be able to access the Smartboard easily. There is enough room for supplies for the teacher, and there is even places of empty space that can be filled with furniture or other things if the teacher chooses. This is why this “Ultimate Classroom” is a good learning environment.