2 Results Based Code Timeframes Introduce “package” this session –F&RPA –Amendments to FPC (streamlining) –Biologist’s Act –Amendments to Forester’s Act & Agrologist’s Act
3 Results Based Code Timeframes (cont’d) Streamlining provisions take effect December 1, 2002 Training between Jan. - March, 2003 F&RPA takes affect April, 2003 –2 year transition
4 Results Based Code The Forest and Range Practices Act will: Require preparation of a Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP): a forest licensee will state results for each FSP content requirement. FSP is approved by government. Require public review of an FSP. Licensee must respond.
5 The regulation will: Require an FSP to be consistent with zones and objectives from a higher level plan Specify content requirements for the FSP Specify forest practice standards that must be met unless an approved FSP specifies an alternative result or strategy. Results Based Code
6 The regulation will: Specify standards for: Old growth retention Wildlife tree retention Riparian management Soil conservation Cutblock size, adjacency and green-up
7 Base resources managed through forest practices: Soils Visual Quality Timber Water Fish Wildlife Biodiversity Resource Features (e.g. wildlife habitat features) Cultural heritage resources Results Based Code Values:
8 Forest practices will conserve fish, and fish habitat through: –maintaining fish passage –scheduling practices to address risk to fish and fish habitat –managing deposition of material deleterious to fish and fish habitat, –maintaining stream channel integrity, and –maintaining relevant elements of riparian function Results Based Code Example Outcome:
9 Effectiveness Evaluations Results FSP’s EE’s Plans Prescriptions C&E Forest Management Government is expanding the “bookshelf”
10 Effectiveness Evaluations In service plan A corporate performance measure
11 Effectiveness Evaluations Small streams Wildlife trees Range Silviculture
12 Effectiveness Evaluations New program Leading edge
13 Effectiveness Evaluations 1.Principles 2.Objectives 3.Terms of Reference 4.Effectiveness Evaluation Monitoring Frameworks
14 Effectiveness Evaluations 1.Roles and Responsibilities 2.Clients and Audiences -Policy Table -BC Public -International Community
15 Effectiveness Evaluations SOF Reporting Criteria and Indicators Reporting
16 Effectiveness Evaluations Are objectives and outcomes being achieved? Are resource values being maintained? Public trust ?
17 Effectiveness Evaluations Need Help: Developing Policy, Objectives and Terms of Reference Designing monitoring framework Resourcing Managing data Analysis, interpretation and presentation of results