The Youth Experience Graduate reflections on the power of transformation Department of Labor Federal Learning Exchange Washington, D.C. April 2013
2 DOL YouthBuild Performance Measures 75% of those placed still retained in 2 nd and 3 rd qtrs. 50% attained GED, diploma, or industry certification by 3 rd qtr. after exit 50% enrollees with basic skills needs in literacy or numeracy will rise by end of one year after enrollment. Recidivism is 20% or less. 70% enrollees placed in 1 st qtr. after exit
Personal Development at YouthBuild Goal is to Better Understand… WORLD OTHERS SELF WHAT? Who am I? Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit, Behavior HOW? One-on-one counseling WHAT? Community Building Relationships Community Involvement HOW? Group counseling Community Service Projects WHAT? Understand their role and potential impact Engender a desire to get involved Develop sense of responsibility for the world around them HOW? Life Skills Case Management Leadership Development
4 Benchmarks of Graduate Success Pursuing post secondary education or credential Building towards or maintaining a well-paying and satisfying career Creating a positive family, personal, and social support network Engaging in community affairs Caring for emotional and physical health Building financial assets
Why understanding the youth experience is important Program staff who understand and apply an understanding of youth development principles can set the stage for program success. Staff are better equipped to identify the challenges that young adults face during the program. Staff are better able to establish the appropriate opportunities and supports that will facilitate personal career development.
Questions to consider… In what ways would understanding a young adult’s developmental process facilitate placement, retention and career development after the program? What opportunities and supports do you think young adults need in order to successfully complete and transition out of the program? What insights occur to you as you hear about the graduates’ development?
Graduate Panel Luz Luna YouthBuild Just A Start Patrick Breton YouthBuild Brockton Michael Donnelly Mclean County YouthBuild
Feel an initial sense of trust and comfort Trust becomes codified, deeper and differentiated Negotiate balance of autonomy vs.. Staff authority Trusted people relied upon for advice concerning a new life direction Autonomy expressed within the specific range Initial real attempt to collaborate toward self development Trusted teachers and advisors give support and reassurance as trainee expresses more industriousness Trainee can be trusted to to expand the initial range of permitted autonomy Specific goals for self development (skills and orientation) guide actions Strive toward competence, integrate skills, and build belief in capacity for mastery of skills Trusted advisors positively affirm the trainees new identity Autonomy controls no longer needed Identify self with the new skills and orientation Identify self as competent to use skills and learn more Achieve integration of identity components II. Autonomy ^ III. Initiative ^ IV. Industry ^ V. Identity ^ TASKSTASKS STAGES I. Trust ^ Stages of a youth’s development in the YouthBuild Program Ferguson-Snipes Model
The YouthBuild Manual for Counseling, Case Management, and Program Culture
Family-like Support and Appreciation from Peers and Adults Protection and Patient Caring for Young People’s Development Profound Respect for Young People’s Intelligence plus High Expectations and Standards Inspiring and Caring Role Models Opportunities for Civic Engagement and Developing Civic Skills Career and Leadership Opportunities Essential Program Elements
Leadership Development as a Vehicle Towards Successful Outcomes Survival skills Navigate difficult situations Desire for success with misguided and unsuccessful attempts Unfocused goals Anger Disappointment Counseling, Case Management Construction or Vocational Skills Training Community Building, Service and Involvement Education PSE Exposure and Exploration Career Readiness and Skills Development Leadership Development Increased self efficacy Healthy Decision Making Positive interpersonal skills Greater success in workforce Increased sense of self worth Increased awareness of and responsibility towards the world around them “Research links early leadership with increased self-efficacy and suggests that leadership can help youth to develop decision-making and interpersonal skills that support successes in the workforce and in adulthood. ” Source: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability, 2005
National Service and Leadership Development How can national service programs further support and develop youth leadership? _____________________________ Jennifer Bastress Tahmasebi Deputy Director, AmeriCorps State and National Corporation for National & Community Service
Think, Pair, Share How does my program currently support young people throughout the stages of development and after program completion? Based on the graduate panelist’s experiences what new or different strategies can my program implement to better support young people during the program year and beyond?
Contact Information Joel Miranda Director of Leadership Development YouthBuild USA 58 Day Street Somerville, MA Jennifer Bastress Tahmasebi Deputy Director, AmeriCorps State and National Corporation for National & Community Service 1201 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC