“Creativity is intelligence having fun” - Albert Einstein
Beginnings... Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes, but they all serve as a gathering point for tools, projects, mentors and expertise. s more about THINKING … learning to design and designing to learn What is a Makerspace? m
“We want to work with teachers to develop [maker] capacity in schools and give more students the opportunity. I’m interested in this idea of “What can you DO with what you know?” not just “What do you know?”” High School Makerspaces: Q&A with MAKE’s Dale Dougherty By Radio Shack April 18, 2012Radio Shack with-makes-dale-dougherty/ Experiential Learning m
Start with what you know and start small k
A collection of tools does not define a Makerspace. Rather, we define it by what it enables: making. Makerspace Playbook: Sch ool Edition k
High School Makerspaces: Q&A with MAKE’s Dale Dougherty By Radio Shack April 18, 2012Radio Shack with-makes-dale-dougherty/ “By creating makerspaces in an educational context, students can have access to tools and equipment that they might not have otherwise; they can collaborate on projects that are driven by their own interests, and by doing so, develop the capacity and confidence to innovate.” m
Centre High Campus
Hour of Code - Codecombat.com
The Feel of an Educational Makerspace ◎ Invites curiosity ◎ Inspires wonder ◎ Encourages playfulness ◎ Celebrates unique solutions ◎ Safe to Take risks k
While we should encourage students to explore their unique interests and pursuits, there are still some basic principles that are important to articulate by posting them and talking about them often. ◎ It’s OK to fail ◎ Breaking things is not a cardinal sin ◎ Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate! EDUCATIONAL MAKERSPACES The Philosophy of Educational Makerspaces Part 1 of Making an Educational Makerspace R. Steven Kurti, Debby L. Kurti, Laura Fleming al-makerspaces/ The Guiding Principles of an Educational Makerspace k
● Elementary to High school ● Low tech to high ● Free play to structured - Different iterations Drop InClubsEvents Classroom / Curricular m&k
Coding For many students, coding is an emerging language. Give them opportunities to learn coding from “scratch.” Hour of code: If This Then That Scratch Python Ozobots CodeCombat.com k
What should we use? Do we have to use...? ◎ Comfort zone!!! ◎ Providing opportunities!!! ◎ We don’t have to be experts!!! m
3D PRINTING To create a free account go to: ThingiverseThingiverse Where users can go to download files or share their own creations. Short tinkercad tutorial: (several tutorials are available on the site. Getting started in Tinkercad with the Tugboat m
What do you need to begin? ◎ Supportive Principal ◎ Low cost is possible ◎ Donations ◎ Pick one to start... k
Makerspace Proposal What is a Makerspace? (rationale) Makerspace is a space to ◎ create ◎ collaborate ◎ share resources ◎ share knowledge ◎ understand ◎ tinker (just like a library!!) Makerspace has evolved from the DIY (do it yourself) culture. This refers to the idea that though we are still consumers of information, in the pursuit of understanding we are more and more the creators as well, uploading, sharing, blogging, tweeting and more. A makerspace provides tools and a space to encourage innovative modes of learning and allow creating, remaking and sharing to take place. Makerspace Sample Proposal Link m
Projects Instructables: Share and create projects of every kind - from technology to food, crafts, to costumes and everyhting in between. Project page from Adafruit: - it’s worth looking through at least the first 3 pages, maybe more! Lots of art, bike, wearable ideas too and musical instruments. Lots of these printed at the makerspace:
Projects cont... There are many gaming specific projects to browse: Calgary Solarbotics have a Yellow Drum Machine kitCalgary Solarbotics but the kit components could probably be assembled for cheaper. ifixitifixit It’s about fixing - instead of replacing!! See the manifesto.manifesto. HackadayHackaday and Lifehacker - It’s not the hacking you think you know about …General tips and tricks with technology and beyond!!Lifehacker
Ideas: Make Magazine Little Bits Educator’s Guide Lynda.comLynda.com - through EPL Invent to Learn Invent to Learn by Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager Raspberry Pi: Teachers’ Guide Teach Resources Getting Started
Sourcing materials makey-makey-standard EPL sources a lot of its electronics / microcontroller supplies from this Canadian retailer (so far their pricing is not bad considering the exchange rate and they are fairly fast, they also specifically stock Adafruit project kits): Calgary’s Solarbotics:
You can get really good pricing from a technical supplier like Digikey.ca, but it’s harder to figure out the heavily jargon laden way the items are presented. Still – they offer very aggressive volume discounts on small components – it might be worthwhile to explore if there is someone who can interpret the jargon that could help with sourcing from a site like that. DealExtremeDealExtreme Made in China - WW free shipping Dollarama Newark/Element14Newark/Element14 American co.- Canadian site adafruit Amazon
“ Thank you! Karen E. Belter Teacher-Librarian Centre High Campus Mona Rosenberg Teacher-Librarian Jasper Place High School