The Common Good Approach to Ethics Presented by: Adam, Leah, and Jenny LP: Ethical Theory Presentation Section: Thursday, 8:30 April 3, 2008
Humane Community Approach Ethics of Care What is ethical is what advances the common good
A community of individuals whose own good is bound to the good of the whole. Ethics of care emphasizes the importance of relationships.
The Humane Community A vision of society as a community whose members are joined in the shared pursuit of values and goals they hold in common.
Ethics of Care Theory about what makes actions right or wrong. Developed as part of a feminist movement.
Carol Gilligan Worked with Laurence Kohlberg Inspired the Ethics of Care
Carol Gilligan Equal development for women Connections among people Care for those people
Stages of Moral Development StageGoal Pre-conventionalGoal is individual survival ConventionalSelf sacrifice is goodness Post-conventionalPrinciple of nonviolence: do not hurt others or self
Nel Noddings Analysis of caring & its place in ethics Agrees and disagrees with Gilligan’s research
Criticisms of Ethics of Care Free will Favoritism Why care?
Application to Long- Term Care
Fundamental ethical obligation to provide health care for all. –societies are faced with resource limitations and difficult decisions about which of the competing needs are met –allocating the burdens and benefits
Governments have a crucial role –must anticipate needs –low on government agendas, or non-existent
Review Questions: 1.What are some strengths of the Ethics of Care? Weaknesses? 2.Was Kohlberg’s moral development focusing on cognitive thinking right for everyone? Or was Gilligan right to test women based on a sense of self? 3.Would you take the position in Ethics of Care to put yourself and people close to you above strangers?