Mississippian Indians By: Carter
Food Beans, pumpkins, squash, and maize (corn) were all planted together in hills. Most of their food came from farming. They also grew tobacco. They planted in different fields each year so the soil would stay fertile.
The Village Several thousand families in a single village. Moats were used as well as wooden palisade fences, some of which were peppered with guard towers, for defense. Included a religious center that was the home of the priest, who also functioned as the leader of the village.
Tools and Weapons Stone or bone hoes- used for farming. Digging sticks- used for farming. Adze- chisel-like tool used to shape wood, such as a canoe. They had an extreme lack of weapons.
Mounds They built pyramid-like mounds that they put buildings on. They were usually rectangular or square, but sometimes circular. They were most commonly tiered. Some could look out over the whole village.
Chunkey This was the name of a common game. One person would roll a disc as far as they could. Another would throw a spear where they thought it would stop.
Religion The priest lived in the religious center. He governed the village. Today, there religion has become a cult following a religion called the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex.
Dress Their clothes were less simple. Liberal use of beads. Ear ornaments came into use. Painted or tattooed their bodies. Feathered headdresses.
Resources Georgia and the American Experience http://bama.ua.edu/%7Ealaarch/prehistoricalabama/mississippian.htm