Enclosure Movement In England, beginning in 15 th -16 th centuries, landlords began reorganizing common lands – Changed the whole structure of farming village – Wealthy landlords fenced in common fields, claimed them as private property Wool had become profitable industry, landlords converted common fields into sheep-raising fields – Increased wealth of landlords but further impoverished peasant communities – 1516 Thomas More wrote Utopia as a response to the landlords’ greed
On page 21 How are the Agricultural Revolution, Scientific Revolution and the Catholic Church affected by each other?
Who is this? Henry VIII – King of England from Married to Spanish royalty Catherine of Aragonne Wanted to divorce her, Pope said no, he started Church of England instead No more Catholic Church in England (over next 150 years, there would be much persecution between Protestants and Catholics
Now that the Church was out of England…. What do we know was happening in Europe during the 1500’s? Whom did you say was the most significant contributor to the Scientific Revolution? Where was Isaac Newton born?? – ENGLAND!! What do we know was happening to the scientists in continental Europe (think: Galileo) What conclusion can you come to based on this information?
Crop Rotation Enclosure created “scientific farming” Landlords now had unified control over the fields – Experiment new techniques to increase productivity Farmers realized that by planting different types of crops, they didn’t need to leave land fallow New crops = clover, alfalfa, pod-bearing plants (peas) and turnips – These crops didn’t deplete the soil the way grains did – New plants improved soil by giving off nitrogen and making soil more porous (water flowed through the soil, thus providing deeper watering for plants) – Improved soil = increased fertility of the fields
Other Discoveries Jethro Tull, an English farmer, invented the seed drill – Implanted seeds into soil at constant intervals – Effect = amount of seed needed to sow a field was reduced by 80%, from 10 pounds an acre to 2 pounds an acre New crops from the New World – Maize (corn) – yielded 20x more seeds than avg grain – Potato – could grow anywhere, even poor soil Planting clover, etc created healthier animals ⁼more manure ⁼more fertilizer ⁼higher crop yields ⁼more food for livestock ⁼repeat After centuries of high death rates from disease and starvation during famine, Europe’s population began to increase
Effects of Agricultural Revolution Shifted balance of power – After EM, peasants and poor farmers lost their Voice (in decision making) Livelihood (had to become poor wage laborers) Lived in shoddy structures, had too little to eat, drank too much and were susceptible to diseases (small pox) – Wealthy landlords gained: Sole control of the land Reaped huge profits from improved techniques Moved into cities, built factories, Built tremendous wealth and developed trade with mainland Europe and the colonies in America
Ag rev occurred in England because enclosure movement was strong there – Idea of property rights and wage labor more wide spread than in France – By time of enclosure movement, England did not have land-bound peasantry because the feudal, manoral system evolved into land ownership and wage labor
Summary – Improved farming techniques increased the food supply and provided a safety net during famine – Under these prosperous conditions, England gained enough $$ to finance the Industrial Revolution
Create a cartoon showing the changes the Agricultural Revolution brought to landowners and the poor